
YOGYAKARTA Research in a small scope found that metabolism was stagnant in the age of 20 to 60. Therefore weight tends to increase with age. However, a number of experts try to straighten out that it is not stagnant metabolism or slowing down in adults.

According to the professor of evolutionary anthropology at Duke University, Herman Pontzer, showing the results of his paper, that metabolic mechanisms are very stable at the age of 20 to 60 years. Metabolism is a process that works on the body when breaking food and turning it into energy. Previous studies, show that metabolism and aging cannot provide a clear understanding of how they are related.

The latest study reported by The Washington Post, Tuesday, January 24, metabolime can be seen as four different stages of life. At the age of 1 year, energy spending is 50 percent higher than adult age. Then slowly decreased to an adult level at the age of 20, remained stable between the ages of 20 and 60, then continued to decline after the age of 60.

Pontzer added that body size is comparable to the amount of combustion in producing energy. In his study, it shows that relationships with size are very clear and then there are other factors that influence, namely age and gender.

Age 60 metabolism slows down, not at the age of 30 and 40 years. Men do burn more calories per day than women. But this is just because men tend to be bigger and have a little body fat. If men and women have the same weight and the same percentage of fat will have the same expected metabolic rate. More importantly, there is a large factor that contributes to increasing weight. This factor is lifestyle, which is related to the amount of energy produced and the source of energy consumed.

So, how to lose weight getting older? Yoni Freedhoff, professor of family medicine at the University of Ottawa and medical director of the Bariatric Medical Institute at the Ottawa, said that resilience exercises that increase muscle mass can help increase metabolism, but he added that the increase was not dramatic. As a nutritionist who works for 25 years, Freedhoff says how complicated weight control and obesity can be caused by many different factors.

Mary L. Rosser, director of women's health at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Columbia University Irving Medical Center, New York City, says that passive lifestyles, poor diets, stress, mental health, lack of sleep, hypothyroidism problems, PCOS, diabetes, and others can contribute. Other factors, such as genetics, medicines, muscle loss, hormone, intestinal microbia, and other health factors, also play a role in increasing weight.

Freedhoff also provides additions, menopaus and PREgnancy can also cause weight to rise slowly. Then to lose weight, you can rule out slow metabolism, but it's best to investigate your overall diet, pattern of exercise, sleep schedule, stress levels, hormones, and health.

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