
YOGYAKARTA The dynamics in domestic life, unexpectedly can trigger drama and need to be handled wisely. Otherwise, the conflict heats up without finding any anti-champion. The licensed marriage therapist, Stephen J. Betchen. DSW., said that in his clinical work, many clients did not expect changes after marriage.

Betchen also registered the most common trigger and unexpected presence, causing drama in the life of marriage. Among other things, the following is the full explanation reported by Psychology Today, Monday, January 16.

The wedding procession is a symbol of the end of a lifestyle and the beginning of another lifestyle. For prospective couples who have difficulty adapting to change, they can withdraw from their status as a couple. It is even very possible that they cannot interact with their new family. Most of them avoid conflict, some feel ashamed.

The second trigger is loss related to change. Those who consider marriage as a loss of personality, may feel pendual sadness and express it inappropriately.

Some people may feel guilty for the bad events experienced. They may punish themselves for it. While dramas in their families and households are just additional damage or effects of their guilt.

Anger can be expressed in many ways, including exposing criticism, the cynical word, and responding in certain ways. Of the many events at the wedding, a response to anger can be expressed by giving small things for revenge purposes.

Marriage is the union of two families with different conditions and habits. This difference, if not handled wisely, could be a trigger for drama. For example, differences in financial conditions can trigger behind speech and are triggered by jealousy or jealousy.

Ambivalence is difficult to describe because usually there are two opposing views expressed by the same individual. This not only triggers drama but also sharpens conflicts. That is, conflict is actually not only because of differences of opinion with partners, but also because of internal self-confession.

Betchen discussed the trigger for the above domestic drama in one moment of a wedding party. According to him, marriage is a very emotional event that can mark growth, potential, and also emphasize wounds that have not been balanced.

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