Enjoy The Moment Of Peace On The Busyest Day, Benefits To Recover Faculty Of Tensions
Illustration of how to recover neural tensions on the busiest day (Freepik/Diana.grytsku)


YOGYAKARTA On the busiest day, you have to exchange a lot of information. In addition, you also communicate with various people's characters. Plus, you need to complete your personal tasks according to the deadline. According to research conducted by neuroscience experts, at that time you need a calm moment to recover neural tension by staying silent for a moment.

Research shows that taking time to stay silent affects the recovery of the nervous system, helps maintain energy, conditions the mind to be more adaptive, and responsive to the environment. Researchers from Duke Medical School, found that silence or calm moments are associated with the development of new cells in the hippocampus. The hippocampus is a major brain region related to learning and memory.

Another researcher, doctor Luciano Bernardi found that the two-minute silence inserted between pieces of music proved to stabilize cardiovascular and respiratory systems rather than simply listening to music chains''. Another study in 2013 in the Journal of Environmental Psychology, concluded survey data from 43,000 workers. Its findings, noise and disruption in open office spaces are related to increased morals and productivity.

It should be understood that silence in quiet moments is not just a time of rest chatting or opening access to information through smart devices. But silence that allows you to think clearly and creatively and calm your inner internal conversation. This kind of break rests mental reflexs that usually play a role in protecting your reputation or promoting your point of view.

Launching the Harvard Business Review, Monday, January 16, it can also increase opportunities to find new ideas and information. Because of the disclosure of information, it is very possible that a person does not explore the content and responds more with verbal agendas. In fact, listening to and paying full attention is the key in finding new ideas. There are four ways to take calm moments, among them, as follows.

Instead of being busy with presentation material, it's better to prepare it in advance. More importantly, allocate silence time for five minutes before the meeting. You can sit quietly and realize your breath by meditation or stay silent.

You don't have to turn off your device or plan a picnic to the park for two to three hours. Just enjoy a quiet evening in nature, or just on the homepage. This can help increase your creative thinking capacity.

Gawai is so smart at taking focus, there are even many social media features that are a means of entertaining. However, you need to try your composure by creating a smart device access distance. Try to 'compete' from entertainment and news to rest your mind.

The meditation retreat is carried out for days by taking a distance from fanfare and busyness. This method is the easiest to listen to yourself more deeply and generate intuition.

The four ways to enjoy the moment of calm above need to be accustomed to making the nerves relax. Peace may be difficult for those of you who are busy, but to do so requires only commitment and creativity.

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