
JAKARTA - This weekend, Connected Festival is ready to entertain music lovers in Makassar. Held at the Parking Lot Position Point, this festival lasted for two days, November 26-27.

Attended by various musicians with different music genres, the Connected Festival carries the theme 'let's feel connected again'. This festival is expected to cure the longing of music lovers to return to witness their proud musicians appear on stage, after the last two years this has been difficult to do due to pandemic conditions.

For two days, Makassar residents can enjoy music performances with magnificent stage and light and various culinary tenants who are ready to maintain the stability of delicious calorie intake on the tongue as a capital for singing and having fun together. The capacity of visitors provided here is around 6,000 to 7,000 tickets, both online and offline," said Bram Dewo as promoter, Saturday, November 26.

On the first day, the event will be filled by several musicians who are under the role of Musica Studios, including the band Kalimantan and two young soloists, Shakira Jasmine and Difki Khalif. In addition, there will also be other musicians such as Fiersa Besari and NTRL.

Difki Khalif will open the event at 17.30 p.m., followed by Shakira Jasmine at 18.30 p.m. andawa at 18.45 p.m. WITA. With a mature concept, they will present their best performance tonight.

Furthermore, on the second day, Sunday, November 27, the band DMASIV and young soloist, namely Maizura. In addition, there is also Burgerkill, Mr. Jono Joni and Air Ship.

Maizura will start the Connected Festival on the second day, followed by DMASIV at 19.45 WITA. They are ready to perform their best songs to entertain the audience.

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