
JAKARTA - parsissics are parents who are exposed to eccentric personality disorders. Usually, photosic parents are very possessive towards their children and feel threatened by the independence of their growing children.

Not only that, sadistic parents can be very angry when their child does something that doesn't suit their wishes.

This kind of parenting pattern can have a very bad impact on a child's psychological development. Children from parents who arepansic will naturally learn and imitate that manipulation and guilt are effective strategies to get what they want.

Unfortunately, not many parents have realized that they have actually implemented exhibitionic parenting style. VOI launched Psychology Today, Thursday, November 24, explaining how photosic parents dropping their children's mentality.

Narcistic parents give praise and privilege when their children obey their wishes. Meanwhile, punishments such as anger and refusal are given if children are free to express different expressions and opinions from their parents.

If the child's interests and talents are in accordance with the wishes of eccentric parents, they will support these desires. However, if it does not suit the child's wishes, it will be ignored or continuously ignored.

One of the most destructive aspects of eccentric parenting is frequent scolding and hating the child's emotional response. If the child expresses negative emotions, eccentric parents will label it as a selfish, weak, and disobedient child.

Children from the results of eccentric parents live in situations where anger and attitude of humiliation are normal. Thus, creating a long-term hyperactivity nervous system that interferes with personality development, mental and physical health disorders, as well as generation trauma with the same pattern.

Manipulation or cool terms at this time gaslighting does not only occur in a romantic relationship, but also in a relationship between parents and children. Bisisic parents naturally manipulate by eliminating the child's self-confidence. Then control the child's thoughts and feelings.

The way photosic parents drop their children's mentality is to encourage children to become adults to meet their own children's needs. Even though it is parents who are obliged to fill their children's needs.

Biological parents don't just worry about children before their time. But there are also those who treat their teenage and adult children like children. They let the child continue to depend. The goal is to maintain control, feel superior, make parents feel needed, and get the attention and sympathy of others.

Apart from pampering, eccentric parents do not hesitate to leave their children when needed. The condition in which children need their parents is considered a weakness for their children. Children must be independent. Parents do not want to be disturbed and involved when their children are in trouble.

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