
JAKARTA - To beautify the interior of the house, in addition to placing ornamental flowers in people's pots, it also tends to put some flower pieces into the glassous vase. Usually, after a few days the water in the vasare needs to be replaced so that the flower stays fresh. However, the cleanliness of the flower is often ignored even though the flower is also thoroughly cleaned. The cloudy glass flower with water and moss stains not only disturbs the view. But it can also affect the quality and age of the cut flower.

Launching Southern Living, Thursday, November 3, flower vassels need to be cleaned when you replace flower water and before being stored in a cupboard when not used. This will remove most bacteria and keep the flowers fresh longer. Since flowers are very sensitive to chemicals, you need to rinse off all the residues of the cleaning ingredients before placing the flowers back in the vas.

Here's a simple way to clean glass flower vassels with materials and tools that can be found at home.

If you want to remove residue and stains of water used in flower vasks, you can use white vinegar and salt. This method is the easiest and cheapest way.

Baking soda and vinegar are known to be effective in cleaning the stains and as antibacterial. You can use these two ingredients to clean the white stains on the flower vassel.

To get rid of harmful bacteria in the vasps you can clean them with bleach. It's best to be careful when using it because it can react to the fabric and cause skin irritation.

Residues from mineral and bacterial deposits will accumulate over time, making the viscosity in the gas more difficult to clean. Washing the cloudy glass flower vassel on the dish washing machine can also cause the glass to get cloudy due to hot friction. For that, it is recommended to clean your vassus with your hand to keep it shiny.

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