
YOGYAKARTA Faringitis is an inflammation of the faring that is located behind the throat. Often, people call faringitis with'throat pain'. Symptoms of faringitis include itching and soreness in the throat. Because of this pain, someone who experiences difficulty swallowing food or drink.

In a windy and colder season, many people experience faringitis. So what causes sore throats that are different from the diagnosis of COVID-19 and how to prevent pharynastic, here's the full explanation.

Faringitis, which causes sore throats, can be triggered by viruses and bacteria. Launching Healthline, Thursday, September 29, the viruses and bacteria that trigger this disease, among others, causekitling, adenovirus which is one of the causes of flu, chickenpox, cropps that are often experienced by children, cough rejan, and group A stretchococusing.

Most often, pharyutitis is caused by viral attacks and is followed by infection. Symptoms, are often followed by runny nose, influenza, and mononucleosis. Infections of this virus do not heal when taking antibiotics. Treatment is usually only needed to relieve symptoms.

Faringitis is less common due to bacteria. Usually symptoms are followed by inflammation of the throat and require antibiotics to treat bacterial infections. The rare causes of bacterial farmingitis include gonorrhea, standings, and corynebacterium.

Her address has been conveyed above about the symptoms of pharyingitis. But specifically, pharyutitis requires an incubation period of 2-5 days. Symptoms that accompany pharyutitis depend on the underlying conditions. In addition to feeling pain in the throat, faringitis is also followed by the following symptoms:

Incubation period is needed to prevent infection. After the fever drops, viral infections are no longer contagious. But if you have inflammation of the throat, or pharyutitis due to bacteria, it will be contagious from the initial infection for the next 24 unless you take antibiotics.

If you experience the symptoms of pharynosis mentioned above, it is important to check with your doctor and get a medical diagnosis. Usually, a doctor in diagnosis will check your throat. If a person's white and gray spots are found, swollen, and redness may be diagnosed with faringitis.

Exposure to viruses and bacteria can be prevented by living a healthy lifestyle. Including by avoiding sharing food, beverages, and eating utensils. In addition, it is necessary to avoid people who are exposed to pharyutitis in order to limit transmission.

Habits that need to be done daily and are a way to prevent pharyngestitis, are to wash your hands frequently, especially before eating and after coughing. Use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer and avoid smoking or breathing cigarette smoke.

How to treat pharyngitis, can be done at home. For example, by drinking lots of mineral water, mouthwashing salt water, and getting enough rest. If you have a high fever and have a sore throat for more than a week, you should see a doctor.

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