
YOGYAKARTA – Sea fish is a healthy food because it contains high protein. But there are concerns for people with high cholesterol to eat marine fish. Actually, is it true that sea fish is high in cholesterol?

The American Heart Association recommends eating marine fish at least twice a week. Not because it contains high cholesterol, but so that it can be combined with other protein sources. When compared with meat, fish is relatively low in cholesterol. Except for shellfish, which contain higher cholesterol but can be processed as a healthy food.

Do not consume sea fish for fear of high cholesterol, it may not be profitable. Because fish is a source of several essential fatty acids that are healthy and can improve heart health. Launching Live Strong, Wednesday, September 14, fatty fish contains omega-3 fatty acids, which are effective in reducing blood pressure and slowing the deposition of plaque on artery walls.

Illustration of high cholesterol marine fish (Pexels/Lachlan Ross)

For people with cholesterol, it is better to limit the consumption of shellfish. Such as mussels, crabs, lobsters, oysters. In one serving of shrimp, contains 166 milligrams of cholesterol. Whereas in four or five steamed clams contain 48 milligrams of cholesterol. A total of 80 milligrams of cholesterol in a 3-ounce crab and the same weight of a lobster contains 61 milligrams.

Although clams contain high cholesterol compared to other fish, they are still inferior to the amount of cholesterol in red meat. For example, in sirloin for steak, 3.5 ounces contains 106 cholesterol. Even higher is the egg, in a single one, it contains 212 milligrams.

Because the measure of cholesterol in fish is lower than in red meat and eggs, the American Heart Association recommends eating two meals of fish a week. So that cholesterol does not spike, also consider how to serve sea fish. Although lobster and scallops are safer than beef, they are not healthy if they are fried or sautéed in butter. That is, serve seafood grilled, steamed, or grilled. Instead of butter, choose olive oil and low-sodium spices instead of salt.

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