
JAKARTA - When your partner is angry with something, you understand that if there is a reason or a trigger for his anger without any doubts about his love. However, when he is easily angry, even for things that seem trivial, your question of his love power may meet the content of your head.

Maybe he actually loves sincerely, but there are causes that make couples very easily angry. Maybe his past is bitter or he has difficulty managing his emotions, VOI reports Her World, Wednesday, September 7 has summarized some of the causes for you. Curious what?

With a person who may be a bad example as long as he grows and develops, this is the cause. Maybe the difficulty in managing emotions is also because he sees parents who also tend to be easily angry. No matter how hard he tries to be a different person from his parents, there must be a character who makes an impression.

The trivial things in a relationship can be the cause of a partner starting to get angry easily. Something that is actually considered important to him but you ignore it so that the topic of the fight doesn't change. Fighting about the same thing can add to the frustration in your partner and be filled with anger.

But he meets you who don't easily according to other people, including a partner. He wants to have a partner who always agrees with him and let him take control of the relationship. However, when he meets you who have your own stance, he may be able to be challenged and curious or become angry.

He was angry maybe because from the start he was not an easy person to be grateful for. In various situations he has always been the most cynical person about life and almost always complains about many things. This attitude is also the basis and may also be the reason for you to consider whether this relationship is worth maintaining or not.

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