
YOGYAKARTA – Many studies have proven that yoga can help reduce stress levels and physical flexibility. But can regular yoga lose weight?

Research published in the Journal of Physical Activity and Health shows that a 60-minute Vinyasa workout burns fewer calories than a walking session on a treadmill. Therefore yoga may not be the most effective exercise if you are trying to lose weight.

Another study reported by Live Science, Tuesday, August 23, published in Preventive Medicine concluded that there is little evidence to suggest that yoga can help you lose weight even in good health. However, a systematic review of 445 scientific records noted that there were some significant changes in body mass for individuals who were overweight and participated in research on yoga. Yoga practice can lead to weight loss, but it depends on your initial fitness level, frequency and intensity of yoga sessions.

apakah yoga efektif menurunkan berat badan
Illustration of whether yoga is effective in losing weight (Freepik/Shurkin_son)

The research mentioned above also shows that yoga can lower the basal metabolic rate. If the basal level decreases, the metabolism slows down and the body requires fewer calories. Lead author of the study, MS Chaya said the physiological slowdown from yoga tends to increase body weight and fat accumulation. That is, when you do regular yoga, count and reduce your food portions so you don't gain weight.

It's different if you do yoga with the aim of building muscle or increasing flexibility. You see, research shows that regular yoga increases muscle strength in both men and women. But this depends on the type of yoga that is done regularly.

For example, Yin or Restorative yoga classes affect connective tissue and focus on passive stretching. On the other hand, Bikram or Astanga yoga, which is much more dynamic, acts like a cardio workout where it is more challenging with a faster rhythm. To build muscle strength, Bikram yoga is more effective because it involves muscle contraction or active stretching.

If you have difficulty sleeping and stress, yoga can be an alternative solution to overcome it. So, while yoga may not lead to weight loss, it does offer other benefits that help maintain both physical and mental health.

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