JAKARTA - What do you imagine when you hear the name Boboho, the bald-headed boy character played by actor Steven Hao? It's funny, yes, that's the action that fans have been waiting for. But now he's grown and reportedly married.
The latest news is that Steven and his fiancé, who was finally identified as Lin Ningrui, were officially married on May 20, 2022, right at the moment of Chinese Valentine's Day. This can be seen from the photos shared by the two while showing a red marriage book.
Steven Hao and Lin Ningrui looked at each other and held a book that was known to have their marriage records. Seeing the upload, many netizens praised the beauty of Lin Ningrui who looks cute with her sweet smile. As written by Paragram.id.
Apparently, their wedding was postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Even so, their desire to be together did not change. Unfortunately, not much information is known about Steven Hao's wife. But it was rumored that the short-haired woman worked as a makeup artist. Steven also briefly emphasized that his wife was not from a celebrity circle.

For fans of the 90s movies, of course, you are familiar with the character Boboho, played by Steven Hao. This little boy with a plump stature and a bald head was popular after playing in a film called Shaolin Popey.
His cute and adorable character with his mischievous behavior is widely liked by the audience. So it is not surprising that he became one of the popular child artists of his time. After playing the role of Boboho, Steven was flooded with job offers.
As of now, he has starred in more than 30 films and 4 TV shows which are very booming in Hong Kong. But as he grew older, Boboho's career was fading. This is also inseparable from the figure of Steven Hao who has grown up and is considered not adorable anymore. Even though he is still active in his career, Steven is known to have been on a vacuum several times from the entertainment world and has not been seen on the screen for a long time. Until suddenly on April 1, 2022, the actor whose real name is Hao Shao Wen is reportedly proposing to his lover.

In the uploads shared by netizens on Weibo, Steven Hao was seen making a special event for his idol in the presence of those closest to them. Also seen, the actor who is now 32 years old kneeling in front of the woman who will be proposed.
Then another photo, the two are seen hugging and kissing each other. But this photo was doubtful. Because it was uploaded right on April Fool's Day, many people thought that the proposal moment was just a joke. Until finally Steven Hao confirmed it via Weibo.
"Dear friends, I managed to propose to him yesterday, and I will be a man with a family in the future. We will live our lives well, so will everyone. Besides, you are not allowed to oppress my wife," he wrote. Steven Hao plays Boboho as reported by Dramapanda.
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