
YOGYAKARTA – Parents' patience is tested when their children often complain about things that are actually driven by negative responses. Such as complaining about the weather being too hot, not wanting to go to grandma's house because it cuts off her playing time, or not liking foods that make her healthy.

At one time, complaining was an emotional response. Naturally, if expressed with a frequency that is not too often. It is also normal for children to respond to the negative things they experience. However, focusing too much on the negative puts them at a higher risk of developing mental health problems, such as anxiety. They will also be more likely to face social problems if they are constantly whining. So how do you deal with a baby who keeps whining and complaining about negative things? Here are suggestions you can do.

1. Acknowledge their emotions

Although parents often let go and say sentences that belittle their children's feelings, this needs to be avoided. It's a good idea to acknowledge your child's difficulties and then offer another perspective. For example, by saying “I know you are uncomfortable right now. We've been here too long, but we still have an hour left."

The statement is an open expression, which gives the child an opportunity to reconsider what he is complaining about. Sometimes, they whine to tell their parents that they are uncomfortable. That is, validating their discomfort might help them calm down. If the whining continues, discipline the behavior, not the emotion.

cara menghadapi anak anak suka mengeluh
Illustration of how to deal with complaining children (iStockphoto)
2. Encourage problem solving

If your child complains about something, encourage them to solve the problem on their own. If they don't want to play with their friends with complaints of hot air, try asking them about their efforts to avoid overheating. In essence, they need help thinking about options. Also remind them that they can still play with their friends in the shade so they don't overheat.

3. Teach problem solving skills

Solving problems can help them see that complaining will not solve the problem. So, parents need to teach them skills in problem solving. They also need to be told that they can ask for help or figure out how to solve the problem on their own. Also note that troubleshooting needs to be monitored by parents so that they can be directed when they don't fit.

4. Show the positive

Launching Verywell Family, Thursday, June 7, if your child is always quick to point out the negative in any situation, show the positive. This can help children develop a more balanced view of the world rather than just seeing the bad.

5. Help them focus on the things they can control

When your kids complain about the rain keeping them from playing in the park, try to respond in a positive way. Like “I know you're disappointed that you can't ride your bike. What are some fun indoor things you can do?”

The sentence is said to mean that they stay focused on the things that can be controlled. Because you can't control the weather, teach them to remain flexible in responding to unexpected situations in a fun way.

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