
YOGYAKARTA – Easy to forget, impaired thinking ability, and decreased social skills are symptoms of dementia. According to a Harvard University study, flavonoids are chemicals found mostly in fruits and vegetables, which play an important role in cognitive health and preventing dementia.

This is one of the benefits of foods that contain flavonoids and scientifically tested. Many studies praise healthy eating patterns, such as the Mediterranean, MIND, and DASH diets. Besides being good for heart health, researchers are also exploring its benefits in preventing dementia, including Alzheimer's disease.

According to doctor Tian-Shin Yeh, a researcher in diet and cognitive function at Harvard's TH Chan of Public Health, flanovoids have the potential to help protect the aging brain. Flavonoids are phytochemicals commonly found in plant foods, consisting of six subclasses. These include anthocyanidins, flavan-3-ols, flavanones, flavones, flavonols, and polymers.

These good ingredients are not only good for the heart and maintain cognitive health, but also contribute to preventing cardiovascular disease, cancer, and type 2 diabetes. So what are the foods that contain flavonoids? Here's a list of beneficial foods for your health.

1. Berries

All types of berries contain flavonoids, including blueberries, cherries, strawberries, and raspberries. But certain varieties are stronger than others, for example blackberries which include six subclasses of flavonoids in their fruit. While strawberries contain anthocyanins in moderate amounts.

manfaat makanan mengandung flavonoid
Illustration of the benefits of foods containing flavonoids (iStockphoto)

2. Red cabbage

In a bowl of soup, maybe you can enjoy red cabbage in a 'fancy' way. But it can also be processed according to taste so as not to reduce your enjoyment in enjoying the benefits of red cabbage which contains anthocyanidins.

3. Cabbage

Best served fresh, or right out of the fridge in a salad. Besides cabbage, kale also contains flavonoids, you know. If you don't like the taste, you can add spices which are equally beneficial for health.

4. Parsley

In every gram of parsley contains 130 milligrams of flavanols. To serve parsley, it can be added to soups, a sprinkling of sauces, to sprinkle fresh on top of your dish.

5. Tea

An easy way to add flavonoids to your diet is to drink tea. Reported by WebMD, Wednesday, June 29, various types of tea including oolong tea, green tea, and black tea are high in flavonoids and have been shown to be beneficial for maintaining cardiovascular and cognitive health.

6. Dark chocolate

Cocoa-based chocolate, high in flavanols. If you enjoy it, pay attention to the composition. Avoid containing a lot of milk or added sugar to keep it safe for your health.

7. Citrus fruits

Mandarin oranges, lemons, tangerines, grapefruit, to limes contain flavanones that are good for cognitive health. Instead of making it into juice, it is better to consume it whole so that the good content does not decrease. It can also be added to your dish, from a fresh flavor enhancer in a bowl of soto to a fresh vegetable salad dressing.

In addition to the seven foods that contain flavonoids mentioned above, soy is also good for cognitive health. For snacks, you can snack on edamame and boiled soybeans to accompany your activities.

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