
YOGYAKARTA – Many people love coffee, brew and sip it all the time. But it turns out that according to various scientific studies, the body has limitations in receiving a response from coffee. That means you need to pay attention to the right time to drink coffee.

If you're used to drinking coffee before 10 a.m., know that it's not the right time. According to a study published in the National Library of Medicine, circadian rhythms affect the body in the morning. Between 08.00-09.00 in the morning, the body doesn't really need coffee.

Drinking coffee in the morning, actually reduces the effects of caffeine on coffee. The body in the morning will build a tolerance for it and make caffeine work to increase focus and wakefulness, not working effectively.

This problem underlies the reason why drinking coffee in the morning is not right. In the morning cortisol levels in the body are high. When you drink coffee when cortisol is high, your body will produce less hormones and rely more on caffeine.

waktu keliru minum kopi
Illustration of the wrong time to drink coffee (Unsplash/Zoe)

Cortisol is a 'stress hormone' that tends to appear when stressed and afraid. But this hormone is also a key component of the natural hormonal cycle throughout the day. Otherwise known as the circadian clock. This helps to wake us up in the morning and feel sleepy at night. In essence, when the body releases more cortisol it will wake you up.

The second reason is that drinking coffee when cortisol is high develops a long-term tolerance to karein. That's why so many coffee drinkers say it's less influential when drinking coffee. As a result, caffeine replaces the boost we normally get from cortisol rather than supplementing it.

This means you need to avoid coffee during the morning hours. You can drink it as long as your cortisol is low, or around 10am to 2pm, you can drink coffee without changing your caffeine tolerance. Should also not drink at times approaching bedtime. If you drink coffee between the hours of 03.00 to 04.00 it will work more effectively.

Although the circadian rhythm varies from person to person, it depends on what time you wake up. Leave a gap of 3-4 hours from when you wake up for coffee. Then, also pay attention to the rhythm of your activity.

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