
YOGYAKARTA – Self-awareness is self-awareness to understand one's thoughts, emotions, and values. Factors in self-awareness influence behavior. This means that self-awareness that is able to encourage someone to grow, be confident, and have high motivation is important to be nurtured from an early age.

Citing Positive Reaction, Friday, April 1, according to WHO, self-awareness is one of the ten life skills that promote well-being in all cultures. These skills include empathy, critical thinking, creative thinking, responsible decision making, problem-solving, effective communication, interpersonal relationships, coping with stress, coping with emotions, and knowing yourself. Knowing yourself or self-awareness can be taught to children aged after 5 years.

At the age of 5, children begin to identify their emotions. Here are effective ways to grow children's self-awareness.

1. Identify emotions

To recognize emotions, parents can provide an overview of the situation through stories, stories, or fairy tales. From there, open the opportunity for them to give a response from the end of the story. In actual practice, you can teach them to recognize and manage their angry expressions as well as explain what triggers them.

cara menumbuhkan self awareness pada anak anak
Illustration of how to grow self awareness in children (Pexels/Kampus Production)

2. Look at yourself honestly

Parents are teachers while at home. Even parents teach life skills to children that are not often found in formal schools. To see yourself honestly, give them compliments and ask them to respond. Try to be open, let them respond to compliments. Also give an opportunity for criticism, if any.

3. Recognizing fears and weaknesses

Children's ability to see themselves, admit flaws, and embrace strengths is a huge self-confidence booster. Let your kids know that it's okay to admit they made a mistake. Because mistakes start from not understanding, there is an opportunity to develop into a complete understanding so that mistakes can be corrected.

4. Doing chores at home

The point is about fulfilling responsibilities at home. So make an agreement on what to do at home. What they can and can't do. That way, they can work independently, grow, and have the drive to complete their tasks.

5. Emphasize that doing something has a purpose

The goal of getting the little things done at home is to recognize what can and can't be done. The bigger goal is to strengthen children's confidence in themselves. That is, have the children make plans in the morning about what they will do throughout the day. Before they sleep, talk to them in a relaxed atmosphere. Mark the list of plans that are completed, and which are not fulfilled and their arguments.

Those are the five effective ways that can be done every day to become a routine habit. It can help children develop in doing everything they want to achieve.

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