JAKARTA - Vanessa Angel's father-in-law, H Faisal, is fighting for the custody and guardianship of Gala Sky. From the start, Faisal said he was sure that the custody of Bibi's only son and the late Vanessa Angel would fall into his hands.
In a broadcast on Langit Entertainment's YouTube channel, December 2021, Faisal admitted that he objected to Gala being raised by Doddy because he doubted his ability to educate grandchildren. "I'm sure because I sincerely and sincerely want to educate this child, want to raise this child. So I believe that custody is in our hands."
Faisal admitted that he felt burdened when the Gala Sky was taken care of by Vanessa Angel's father, Doddy Sudrajat. The burden seems to be related to the fact that Doddy's wife, Puput, only takes care of one of her three children from her previous marriage.
"It's a burden for me. His (Doddy) wife, is Mrs. Puput. Mrs. Puput has three children, only two sons, if I'm not mistaken, she told me, brought by her (ex) husband," explained Faisal.
"Well, now my grandson is his step-grandson. That's what comes to my mind."
At that time, Doddy Sudrajat admitted that he did not accept that Puput was doubted by Faisal. However, it turns out that fear has now been proven. Puput and Doddy's household ran aground.
Puput filed for divorce with number 516/Pdt.G/2022/PA.JP dated March 15. The first divorce hearing was held Monday, March 21.
Surprisingly, Puput turned out to have been separated from his house with Doddy Sudrajat for 4 months. Vanessa Angel already knew that fact before she died.
"I haven't been in the same apartment for 4 months. Two months before Vanessa died we weren't under the same roof. We chose cooling down first. When Vanessa died, we try to be together again to face the disaster. In the household, there are ups and downs, trying to survive for the children, give in first. But now, it's time," said Puput to reporters, Monday, March 21.
Puput tries wisely to maintain communication with the children. However, it turned out that Doddy Sudrajat did not expect the same thing.
"I actually don't want to separate the children. There is no break in communication with the children. But from Daddy's side it seems like they want to separate Mayang and Chika. If I don't want to be separated, she's like a real sister too. My communication with Mayang is 24 hours It's definitely open," he said.
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