JAKARTA - Dull skin is often a problem for some people, especially those who have a lot of outdoor activities. Despite routine care and using skincare but the skin still looks dry and dull.
It turns out that there is a connection between dull facial skin and the food that is usually consumed. It could be that the types of food and drinks below are the cause.
Salt contains sodium which attracts water. Therefore, when salt levels in the body increase, fluid in cells, including skin cells, can be pulled out of cells. As a result, the hydration of skin cells will decrease and the skin will become dry and look duller.
The content of sugar that is too much into the body will not be good for the health of the body. Insulin that increases suddenly will have a bad impact on the body. This causes the skin to produce more oil, thereby clogging the pores on the face.
In addition, high sugar levels can also trigger inflammation that causes damage to collagen tissue. So that the skin will look duller and wrinkles appear on the face.
Alcoholic beverages
Alcohol can inhibit anti-diuretic hormones. This hormone regulates the water content in our body. As a result, the water contained in the skin will be pulled out and cause the skin to become dry and dull.
In addition, alcohol also inhibits minerals and vitamins from entering the skin cells. This will cause the skin to look dull.
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