
JAKARTA - Aglaonema is one of the most popular types of ornamental plants in Indonesia. Various colors, large leaf sizes, and distinctive leaf bone patterns make this plant hunted by many people. Moreover, the characteristic of being able to survive in minimal sunlight makes Aglaonema chosen to be used as an indoor decoration.

In addition, aglaonema is also proven to be able to absorb carbon dioxide, formaldehyde, and benzene which are not good for human health. This ornamental plant which is familiarly referred to as sri fortune also consists of many types. The characteristics that distinguish this type of aglaonema are the color and shape of the leaves. If you want to decorate your home with this beautiful plant, check out VOI's discussion of some of the popular types of aglaonema below, launched by Epicgarden, Friday, March 11th.

Aglaonema Modestum

Named by NASA as one of the ten best air purifier plants, Aglaonema Modestum has green leaves with white streaks.

Aglaonema Nitidum

With its characteristic dark green leaves, Aglaonema nitidum is able to survive in low light environments. This particular plant is quite popular in the office environment. This Aglaonema will always be green even though there is a lack of light.

Aglaonema Widuri

This type of aglaonema widuri has oval leaves, long, and tapered at the ends. It looks slimmer than the type of aglaonema in general. For color, Aglaonema widuri is dark green with red leaf bones. The color combination is so contrasting that this type of aglaonema will definitely steal the attention of the entire household.

Aglaonema Bidadari

If grown in a low light environment, this type of aglaonema will be dark green with yellow and red spots. Meanwhile, if given enough light, aglaonema nymphs change color to pink to pastel. This variety is quite popular in the community.

Red Aglaonema

Just as the name suggests, this type of aglaonema has a leaf surface that is dominated by red. This aglaonema leaf shape tends to be wide and oval with a tapered tip. The overall color of this type of aglaonema is also very beautiful because it combines with a tinge of green in the middle and edges of the leaves.

Aglaonema Claudia

This type of aglaonema comes from Thailand. The hallmark of Aglaonema Claudia is the color of its pale green leaves. In some plants, some are equipped with dark green spots. Meanwhile, the leaf bones of this type of aglaonema are curved upwards and are pink. The tips of the leaves are tapered.

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