
JAKARTA – Aurel Hermansyah is expected to have a normal birth by Atta Halilintar's parents. The reason is to have the opportunity to have many children. The discourse about Aurel and Atta's parents invited netizens to stir. The reason is, having many children is considered irrelevant today. Not to mention the risks experienced by the mother and the baby she is carrying, receive great attention from the BKKBN.

The health of pregnant women and fetuses in the womb needs to be taken seriously. According to BKKBN, planning a pregnancy is a matter of consideration. Head of BKKBN Dr. (HC) Hasto Wardoyo, Sp.Og. (K) in the VOI video says that it is no longer relevant nowadays to have many children. Because the consideration of the health of the mother, the fetus, the guarantee of the future of the child, and the health of the family need to be of great concern.

Regarding the birth process, there are 2 processes, namely normal delivery and caesarean section. Normal delivery through the pelvis with the consideration of clinical decisions. While cesarean delivery is also carried out on clinical considerations of the condition of the mother and fetus.

Here are 5 things to know about vaginal and cesarean deliveries and considerations for both processes.

1. The medical condition of the mother and fetus

In certain conditions, such as if the mother has preeclampsia, stress, and diabetes, doctors and birth experts will provide the best solution, namely by caesarean delivery. Other considerations for performing a caesarean are the baby's condition, including fetal distress, having placental problems, multiple pregnancies, abnormal fetal position, large babies, or complications experienced by the mother such as a torn uterus.

pertimbangan persalinan normal atau caesar
Illustration of consideration of normal or caesarean delivery (Unsplash/Aditya Romansa)
2. The risk of caesarean section and normal delivery for the mother

Every birth process has the same risks. In normal delivery, the mother goes through a long and physically testing process. While caesarean section, the risks that may be experienced include anesthesia, blood loss, infection, longer recovery, and its effect on postpartum psyche.

3. The risk of caesarean section and normal delivery of the fetus

Citing the ClevelandClinic page, Tuesday, February 22, Rebecca Starck, MD. explained that during a normal delivery, you usually have the opportunity to prepare your lungs to be filled with fluid in the uterus. It serves to provide oxygen after birth.

In cesarean delivery, assistance needs to be given to the baby. The reason is that through a cesarean section the baby can experience breathing problems with extra fluid in his lungs. This is due to not having the opportunity to undergo the process of preparing the lungs. In addition, the baby through normal delivery will receive good bacteria when passing through the birth canal. Its positive effect can help boost the baby's immune system and protect the intestinal tract.

4. Benefits of normal delivery

Not to have many children as Atta Halilintar's parents hoped for Aurel Hermansyah some time ago. Normal delivery, the recovery time is faster for the mother. Plus, the risk of complications for a second birth is also less likely. Even the success rate of breastfeeding is higher.

5. Normal delivery after caesarean section

Planning a pregnancy is highly recommended by the BKKBN. This is because it takes into account the risk of stunting, reduces maternal mortality, infant mortality, and the health of the mother and fetus in her womb.

Starck explained about normal delivery after cesarean section. There are those who worry that in their second pregnancy the scars of the first cesarean section will open. In fact, according to Starck, an open labor wound is a very low risk. Usually less than one percent of that can happen. Starck encourages most women to consider a vaginal birth after a cesarean section.

Whether it's a normal delivery or a cesarean, the main goal is to give birth to a healthy baby. One of the medical reasons for undergoing the process is for the safety of the mother and baby. So it is best to weigh all conditions, both mother and fetus, so that they undergo the most appropriate process.

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