Ideally, political parties nominate their best cadres for the positions of presidential candidate (capres) or vice presidential candidate (cawapres). The Secretary General of the National Mandate Party (PAN) H. Eddy Soeparno, SH, MH is well aware of this. Because there are many benefits that can be achieved when there is an internal figure who can run as either a presidential or vice presidential candidate. However, for the 2024 election, they do not dare to nominate party cadres. PAN, in this context is very realistic and has its own considerations. They realize that the electability of internal candidates is not enough to fight. That's why his choice fell on a figure from outside the party.
In the history of this country's politics, PAN has twice submitted its best cadres to compete in the presidential and vice presidential candidates. The first was in the 2004 election, at that time reform figure Amien Rais was put forward as a presidential candidate paired with Siswono Yudhohusodo. And in the 2014 election, PAN again nominated its best cadre: Hatta Rajasa to run as vice presidential candidate paired with Prabowo Subianto. However, on both occasions no one succeeded in winning the presidential election.
Nominating internal candidates to become presidential and vice presidential candidates does have strategic value for a political party. Apart from proving successful cadre formation, having candidates from within the party can have a coattail effect on election vote acquisition. This is what many political parties are aiming for. The most interesting example occurred with the figure of Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono who ran as a presidential candidate in the 2004 and 2019 elections. In those two elections, the Democratic Party's vote share increased drastically.
However, for the 2024 election, Eddy said PAN still cannot nominate candidates from within. For the presidential candidate they are nominating Prabowo Subianto, while for the vice presidential candidate the name Erick Thohir is being predicted. "We have to be realistic about facing the 2024 election. If the electability of internal candidates is not good, it is better to nominate an external candidate but he can represent PAN. For the past two years we have been carrying the name of Mr. Erick Thohir as PAN's vice presidential candidate," said Eddy Soeparno.
In the context of legislative candidates, PAN in this election is targeting a realistic addition of seats. Two years before the election, they had recruited legislative candidate candidates from the district/city, provincial and national levels. "Currently we have 40 seats in the DPR RI. For the upcoming elections, we are targeting 60 to 65 seats in the DPR RI. I think this is a realistic target and we are optimistic that this target can be achieved," stressed Eddy Soeparno to Ronald Tanamas, Savic Rabos, and Irfan Medianto from VOI who met him at the Sheraton Gandaria City Hotel, South Jakarta, not long ago. Here is an excerpt from the full interview.

According to PAN Secretary General Eddy Soeparno, the situation ahead of the 2024 election is more conditional. (Photo: Savic Rabos, DI: Raga VOI)
The dynamics ahead of the 2024 general election and presidential election are so dynamic, how do you as Secretary General of PAN observe this?
I see that the lead up to the 2024 election is different from a similar situation five years earlier (ahead of the 2019 election). At that time the dynamics were very high, the intensity of friction between groups was relatively high because it was a combination of the culmination point of a number of political changes that began in 2017. During the DKI Pilkada at that time it was a regional election that divided society and the residue was carried over until 2019. At that time we felt the climate and the smell of identity politics is very strong. Approaching 2024, we will see something very refreshing.
There is still a dynamic between political parties competing with each other to nominate their presidential and vice presidential candidates, but those who are being proposed are presidential and vice presidential candidates who have the same vision and views about Indonesia in the future. Everyone agrees that by 2045, Indonesia must become a developed country. Therefore, we have several programs and policies, especially at a time when we still have a demographic bonus that must be utilized properly. How can the current political forces compete to propose bright ideas to face 2045? We already know what problems there are. I think they will all be discussing the same thing.
So you don't smell any division or identity politics at the moment?
There is no sense of division at all. There is nothing polarizing in society, let alone identity politics that divides us. Now it's the battle of ideas. It started with friendship between political party officials who visited each other, exploring each other. This is a good example. Of course this is part of the maturation of our democracy.
Since the beginning, PAN has been in coalition with Golkar and PPP ahead of the general election and presidential election, it turns out that the Advanced Indonesia Coalition is very fragile, your response?
We carry out an assessment to then nominate the presidential and vice-presidential candidates we want. We already have concepts and criteria for presidential and vice presidential candidates. However, there are differences that we respect between one another, whether between Mr Anies, Mr Ganjar and Mr Prabowo. So finally when we (PAN and Golkar) focused on the figure of Mr. Prabowo. However, PPP chose Mr. Ganjar. We agree on the criteria but when choosing a figure we differ. It's okay to be different, we respect each other's choices.
The adage that we know in the world of politics is that there are no eternal enemies, only eternal interests. How does PAN align its interests and make peace with political enemies?
We never view a particular figure or individual with different views as a political enemy. In politics there are always different views, so how can we respect each other. In the end, in political parties, we fight for each other, how we can do good for society.
What are the criteria for Presidential Candidates and Vice Presidential Candidates according to PAN?
We need political stability and security for high growth. Therefore, we need a firm figure, a figure who can be a leader who follows his words because he leads by example. Then he must also have a concept, have a program so that his assistants, namely his ministers, only carry out their program, do not have other programs. We need leaders who have a vision for 2045. This is very important, because within a maximum of 10 years, a president can create the foundation for the next leader to achieve the target in 2045 and beyond. We need a visionary figure who is able to carry out tough tasks and stand tall in front of other countries.
Currently we have two large blocks, the American block and its allies, and the Chinese block. Future leaders must be able to stand between the two blocks and continue to prioritize Indonesia's interests and not submit to either one. Moreover, in the future Indonesia will become the fourth or fifth largest economy in the world.

For the PAN presidential candidate, did not nominate an internal figure, why? Is there no suitable figure to be nominated, for example PAN General Chairman Zulkifli Hasan or another figure?
When a party can nominate its best cadres as leadership candidates, either as presidential or vice presidential candidates, it is a matter of pride. The party machine will move optimally to mobilize forces so that the nominated cadres can achieve the best results. We have a history: in 2004 we nominated Mr Amien Rais as presidential candidate and in 2014 we nominated Mr Hatta Rajasa as Prabowo's vice presidential candidate. However, for 2024, we have to be realistic. If the electability of an internal candidate is not good, it is better to nominate an external candidate but he can represent PAN. For the past two years we have carried the name Mr. Erick Thohir as PAN's vice presidential candidate.
Why does it have to be Erick Thohir, is it true that there are no other internal or external figures?
We have been monitoring potential figures who will appear in the 2024 presidential election contest. There are several figures that we are considering, and one of them is Mr. Erick Thohir. We look at his track record as an entrepreneur, later becoming Minister of BUMN. He also played a big role in the success of the 2018 Asian Games. Currently he also serves as General Chair of PSSI, and soon we will hold the U-17 World Cup. In various surveys, Mr. Erick's name also appears as one of the highest-ranking vice presidential candidates. We feel that bringing him in is the right choice.
What agreement has been made with Erick Thohir that makes PAN so persistent in proposing him?
There is no special agreement. He is a successful businessman and is now active in politics. This can provide great motivation to PAN cadres throughout Indonesia. He is a figure who transforms quickly.
Regarding Erick Thohir, he still has responsibility for solving problems in BUMN such as Wijaya Karya, Istaka Karya, Adhi Karya, etc. However, now that he has entered electoral politics and has been nominated by PAN as vice presidential candidate, how do you see this issue?
The problems at BUMN have actually been in the wrong direction from the start. These construction companies should not be given responsibility as toll road managers, and this has been a problem before Mr. Erick Thohir led the Ministry of BUMN. If it is said that he does not focus on BUMN issues, from the start the BUMN Ministry has been very complex.
What is the pattern of cadre formation at PAN so far, can you tell us?
We have a political school with three levels, namely Basic Mandate Cadre Training (LKAD), Middle Mandate Cadre Training (LKAM), and Main Mandate Cadre Training (LKAU). All cadres who are running as legislative candidates or regional head candidates must take part in this cadre training. For legislative candidates at the district or city level, they must pass the LKAD. Provincial legislator candidates must pass the LKAD and LKAM. Meanwhile, legislative candidates for the DPR RI must take part in these three levels. Our cadres come from various backgrounds, including academics, entrepreneurs, athletes, artists and scholars. Everyone is given the same training before entering the world of politics.
For the 2024 election, how many votes is PAN targeting and how many legislative seats is it targeting?
Currently, PAN has 40 seats in the DPR RI. For the 2024 elections, we are targeting 60 to 65 seats, which we consider a realistic target. We carried out pre-recruitment two years before the election. Now we have strong candidates in constituencies that we previously won. We are optimistic that this target can be achieved.
Which areas are PAN's vote barns?
Sumatra is one of PAN's strong bases, in West Sumatra half of the regional heads there come from PAN. Half of the DPRD leadership comes from PAN. Likewise in Riau and Jambi Provinces. Our Sumatra is relatively strong. In Eastern Indonesia, in Southeast Sulawesi and South Sulawesi we are strong. In West Java there has been a significant increase, we can enter the non-traditional PAN pocket. PAN was born from the womb of Muhammadiyah, we can enter the pockets of Persis and NU in West Java. As a nationalist, modern Islamic religious party, we have 22 seats in Papua. We are optimistic that we can retain our seats even though there is now expansion in Papua.
How will PAN compete with new parties with similar beliefs (Islamic, nationalist)?
All parties in Indonesia have relatively the same platform. There is only one difference, views on religion and state ideology. In the spectrum of political currents in Indonesia, there are nationalist currents on the left pole and religious currents on the right. Depends on where we are. PAN is in the middle; nationalist, modern Islamic religious and moderate parties. PAN is also known as a party managed by intellectuals. Many of our voters come from active and productive urban circles.
What is PAN's strategy to win millennial and beginner votes in the election?
Millennials must not only be the object of a campaign, they must be invited to be active in political party activities. At the start of reform, public enthusiasm for involvement in political parties was very high, including among millennials at that time. They are willing to fly the flag of their own party. However, currently this enthusiasm is declining because there is disappointment with the behavior of politicians involved in corruption, collusion and nepotism. It is not surprising that in various surveys, the level of public trust in political parties is always at its lowest. Seeing this reality and facing millennials, we must offer programs that make sense and not just make big promises. Their needs include jobs, affordable housing with affordable down payments, and attention to climate change issues.
Currently the Advanced Indonesia Coalition has increased by one with the Democratic Party, how is PAN responding?
After the Democratic Party supported Prabowo, we felt there was new enthusiasm, like the addition of "Democratic vitamins." The campaign burden can be shared with the Democrats, which is very helpful for those of us who have already joined to support Mr. Prabowo. Moreover, Mr. SBY has committed to actively helping in winning. This is not a trivial matter, especially because the Democratic Party in East Java is quite strong, which will strengthen Mr. Prabowo's position in East Java.
Cak Imin has stated plans to provide free BBM, what is your response?
We will propose ideas that are rational and applicable to the public. If promises are too grand, they will be difficult to realize and can backfire if they fail. So, we will continue to propose sensible and sustainable ideas, not just big promises. If there is a presidential candidate who hasn't made any promises yet, go ahead.
Jokowi has presented many breakthroughs in these two periods, but there are still some that have not been completed. Is Prabowo determined to continue Mr. Jokowi's policies?
We will support all good policies that Mr Jokowi has not yet completed. Mr. Prabowo has officially expressed his support for continuing the work started by Mr. Jokowi. We will continue the foundation that has been built by Mr. Jokowi towards a Golden Indonesia 2045.
These Are Eddy Soeparno's Healthy Tips, You Can Do It Too

There are many ways you can do to make your body healthy and fit. Secretary General of the National Mandate Party H. Eddy Soeparno, SH, MH, has a simple method. What he does is exercise regularly and eat in a controlled manner. And one more thing, if there is a problem at work, there is no need to take it to heart.
“I am a sports fanatic. You can cycle two to four times a week. On other days when I'm not cycling, I work out at the gym. Coincidentally, my friend who owned a gym business went bankrupt during the COVID-19 pandemic, so I ended up buying some of his gym equipment. "So at home there is a small gym," said the man who was born in Jakarta, May 5 1965.
When asked what made him look tamMr. Younger than his current age, this alumni of the Faculty of Law, University of Indonesia, does not hesitate to share the tips he lives by. “Don't bring these things into too serious a problem, because that will be a burden. "We must solve all problems, be sure there are no problems that cannot be solved," he said.
The tip he has used so far in solving problems is to understand the problem at hand. “When facing a problem, I have to understand at least 50 percent of the problem. When we understand some of the problems have been resolved. "That's what allows me to solve problems that arise one by one," he said. "One more thing, don't think about problems at the office or take them home," he added.
Moving to the Political Stage

Before becoming a politician, this father of two children was a professional in the world of banking and a company operating in the investment sector. “Before entering the world of politics, I had a career in banking and investment companies for 27 years. The complexity of the problems faced is no less than in the world of politics. "The key, as I said earlier, is that we must understand at least some of the problems we are facing," said the father of Sasongko Soeparno and Safiyya Azzahra.
It was the figure of Amien Rais who made him interested in the world of politics. "When I was still at ABN Amro Bank, I saw Mr. Amien Rais as a reform figure. I was amazed by the tenacity of his struggle. In 2001, when he was still Chairman of the MPR, I was introduced to him by a friend. There are several tasks that Mr. Amen to my friend. "Then we completed the task well," he said.
After this task, Amien Rais again asked Eddy to help him complete a job. “Mr. Amien said don't leave me, you are a new vitamin for me," said Eddy, imitating Amien Rais' request to himself.
In 2023, he was asked to become Director of the Amien Rais Center. A year later, he served as Deputy Chair of Amien Rais's Winning Team as Presidential Candidate in 2024. "Since then, I automatically became a PAN cadre and took full part on the political stage," he said.
Even though he is already a PAN cadre, Eddy Soeparno does not want to get involved in practical politics. Until finally in 2015, when Zulkifli Hasan asked him to become Secretary General of PAN, he was willing to fully engage in practical politics. “Mr. Zul asked me to manage this party in a modern way. "That's where I was challenged to apply the knowledge I had previously as a professional to improve the party," he said.
Donating Yourself to Society

There was one thing that really challenged him when he decided to get involved in practical politics, namely the people's vote. "In the professional world as a director in a public company, the ones who determine my career advancement are the directors and shareholders. But if you are a representative of the people, it is the people who decide. That's what makes me want to feel chosen by tens of thousands of people. "And thank God, I was later elected as a member of the DPR RI," he stressed.
Moving from the professional world to the political stage required Eddy to adapt quickly. In this adjustment process, he actually found his passion when he met the community. "Being able to meet and help small communities gives me inner satisfaction," said Eddy, who had thought about not joining practical politics earlier.
And before entering practical politics, Eddy had exchanged ideas with his wife, Sawitri Hardjoprakoso, as well as his two children who were now adults. "I told my wife and children that I was donating myself to the community. Thank God they support and understand my condition. "They can tolerate my activities," said Eddy, who always sent lunch from home while on duty at the DPR RI building.
However, when he has time with his family, he will return the favor by doing various activities such as eating together or doing outdoor activities together, etc. “Because my family is small, it's easy for us to go on holiday out of town together in one car. "So the bond with my family is maintained even though I am busy with party matters and have to serve the community," stressed Eddy Soeparno.
"There is no sense of division at all. There is no polarization in society, let alone identity politics that divides us. Now it's the battle of ideas. It started with friendship between political party officials who visited each other, exploring each other. This is a good example. Of course this is part of the maturation of our democracy,"
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