
JAKARTA - Minister of Agriculture (Mentan) Andi Amran Sulaiman and Minister of Public Works (PU) Dody Hanggodo and Deputy Chief of Army Staff (Wakasad) Lt. Gen. Tandyo Budi R synergize to realize food self-sufficiency.

"Today we have a coordination meeting, coordination meeting, with the Minister of Public Works, with Mr. Wakasad, to ensure the operation of self-sufficiency (food) in the future," said the Minister of Agriculture in Jakarta, quoted by Antara, Monday, December 30.

He conveyed that the meeting was to ensure that all agricultural infrastructure and production facilities to go to self-sufficiency in food according to President Prabowo Subianto's direction could be realized.

He admitted that he was grateful for the extraordinary progress for the synergy from the Ministry of Public Works and the TNI AD which had gone well according to the work plan.

He is optimistic that if the synergy of all parties, including the Ministry of Public Works and the Indonesian Army, runs smoothly, Indonesia will soon achieve self-sufficiency in the shortest possible time.

"God willing, if all of this goes according to our work plan, we are sure that we will be self-sufficient as soon as possible as directed by the President of the Republic of Indonesia," said the Minister of Agriculture.

"Once again, this coordination meeting ensures in detail, in detail infrastructure, production facilities in 2025. Everything is ready, starting with irrigation, seeds, fertilizers that we have discussed so far," added the Minister of Agriculture.

In the same place, the Minister of Public Works (PU) Dody Hanggodo admitted that he was ready to support the Ministry of Agriculture in the irrigation network development sector to irrigate agricultural land that had been mapped both in the Java Island and outside the island.

"We from the Ministry of Public Works, at every opportunity I always say, we are just builders, we support units to the leading sector. The direction from the President is clear, we must be able to self-sufficient in food as quickly as possible. For food self-sufficiency, the leading sector is the Ministry of Farmers," said Dody.

Meanwhile, Deputy Chief of Army Staff (Wakasad) Lt. Gen. Tandyo Budi R hopes that the synergy between the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Public Works and the Indonesian Army can increase agricultural production according to the President's direction.

"With the three of us (Ministry of Public Works, TNI AD) today to determine and synchronize the implementation in the field, hopefully our production, our food production can be achieved according to our wishes and all at the President's instructions for the implementation of food self-sufficiency," said Tandyo.

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