
JAKARTA - Minister of Villages and Development of Disadvantaged Regions (Mendes PDT) Yandri Susanto invited all village heads to use village funds to realize their village into a Food Security Village

"Please use this village fund and there are traces of it. I don't want the village funds to be misused. We don't want the village funds to be useless for the villagers," Yandri said, as quoted from a statement received in Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Sunday, December 15.

He conveyed this when giving directions during his visit to Nagari Lumpo, IV Jurai District, Pesisir Selatan Regency, West Sumatra.

In addition, Yandri also asked all villages to establish village-owned enterprises (BUMDes) to achieve, one of which is self-sufficiency in food.

"If all villages have BUMDes that manage food and their BUMDes progress, food self-sufficiency will be achieved because the village is already self-sufficient in food," he said.

In order to improve the welfare of the community, said Mendes Yandri, President Prabowo has prepared a budget and technical preparation for the successful implementation of the Free Nutrition Food program.

Efforts to make the program a success, he said, involved collaboration between ministries/agencies at the national level.

Therefore, Mendes Yandri hopes that villagers in the country can work together in developing certain themes or thematics to improve people's welfare, preserve cultural heritage, and create strong village identities.

Thus, according to him, thematic village will be able to have a positive influence on every level of society at the village level as a local business actor. For example, a village that has the potential for tilapia fish should develop this potential to be known as a nila-producing village.

"So, please map the villages on the South Coast. For example, in Nagari Lumpo it can be used for catfish or tilapia fisheries. Nagari can be used for rice, for example, and so on," said the former Deputy Chairperson of the MPR RI.

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