KARAWANG - For the long Christmas 2024 and New Year 2025 holidays, PT Jasamarga Transjawa Tol (JTT) as the manager of the majority of toll roads along Trans Java has ensured the readiness and improvement of toll road operational services in its area.
"In order to provide optimal service to road users during the Christmas and New Year holidays, PT JTT improves traffic services, transaction services, prevention services and rest area services," said JTT Operations Director Pratomo Bimawan Putra, quoted from ANTARA, Saturday, December 14.
He said to improve traffic services and transactions, including alerting spare cranes spread from the Jakarta-Cikampek to Semarang Toll Road, adding transaction service personnel, adding top-up service points, providing electronic money cards and additional alerting of mobile reader.
In addition, the Cikampek Utama 8 Toll Gate (GT) will also be operated at KM 71 B towards Jakarta and the addition of 2 reversible toll equipment at GT Cikampek Utama 1 and 2.
For the preservation service, PT Jasamarga Transjawa Tol has arranged a periodic maintenance schedule at points that have been damaged by violence, the deployment of a patching team to handle potholed pavement conditions (potholes) and environmental teams to monitor road cleanliness and drainage channels.
Another thing is to inspect channel points that experience sedimentation and silting, take preventive steps with normalization, clean drainage and build embankments to prevent inundation and flooding as well as alert personnel and facilities to anticipate an emergency in the event of a puddle or special condition. It is stated that improving services in the rest area is also an important point. There are 40 rest areas along the Trans Java toll road managed by PT JTT.
In this case, PT JTT provides health posts at rest areas along Trans Java, provides SPKLU in 35 rest areas along Trans Java, ensures water availability, imposes situational opening/close rest areas, and provides seasoning.
Furthermore, PT JTT also continues to strive to optimize technology such as the use of the Intelligent Transport System platform and the operation of the Lane Control Signal to support traffic engineering over the discretion of the police.
Vice President Corporate Secretary and Legal of PT JTT Ria Marlinda Paallo said the company's commitment to continue to coordinate with stakeholders.
Regarding the management of vehicle flow, especially at the peak of homecoming and the return flow of Christmas 2024 and New Year 2025, the company will continue to coordinate and communicate with the parties, in order to ensure the smoothness and comfort of toll road users.
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