JAKARTA - Minister of Transportation (Menhub) Dudy Purwagandhi is scheduled to check the operational readiness of the Karawang Fast Train Station.
This visit is to ensure access roads to the station area.
The Director General of Railways at the Ministry of Transportation, Risal Wasal, said that the Minister of Transportation would also be accompanied by the Deputy Minister of SOEs to jointly check the condition of the station.
"Tomorrow (December 13) the Minister and the Deputy Minister from BUMN will visit the location," said Risal at the Ministry of Transportation Office, Jakarta, Thursday, December 12.
Currently, continued Risal, there is no direct access from toll roads to the station. However, there is an alternative access that is prepared, namely through housing around KCIC Karawang Station.
"Currently, the entrance is from the toll gate, the toll road has not been completed or has not even started to be built. We will start to open those from housing, both on the right and on the left, the Minister will ask that it be opened immediately so that the Karawang station can immediately serve (passengers)," he said.
Risal said, with the road access to KarawangASH Station already available, the HIGH Speed Train will operate four stop stations.
As is known, KCIC currently operates three stop stations, namely KCIC Halim Station, Karawang Station, Padalarang Station, and Tegalluar Station.
"Until later we will have alternative services for the airway train. Currently, Jakarta-Bandung directly, there is Padalarang-Tegalluar, later there will be Tegalluar-Karawang, Padalarang-Karawang, and Karawang-Halim," he said.
Risal also hopes that the increase in the number of stations served byASH can increase the number of passengers on the transportation.
"So there will be many choices using trains so we hope the passengers can rise significantly," he said.
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