
President Director of Garuda Indonesia Irfan Setiaputra summoned his airline pilot and co-pilot who was caught in a three-finger pose with candidate for vice president (cawapres) number 3, Mahfud MD.

The photo was also uploaded by Mahfud MD on his Instagram social media account @mohmahfudmd on Thursday, November 16, 2023. The upload received 1,288 comments.

This action is in the spotlight of management because employees of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) cannot be supporters of the presidential and vice presidential candidate pairs in the 2024 General Election.

"We have also summoned the flight crew to explain the incident and carried out coaching, including related to aspects of flight safety procedures, in accordance with applicable staffing provisions," he told VOI, in Jakarta, Friday, November 17.

Irfan also said that the call for pilots and co-pilots was to remind employees of the importance of maintaining neutrality during the current election.

"This is of course our concern at Garuda. In the future, we will remind all employees again about the importance of maintaining the spirit of neutrality, especially in today's times," he said.

As previously reported, the flight of the vice presidential candidate from candidate pair number 3, Mahfud MD, left an exciting story. Mahfud was invited to take a photo by the pilot in the cockpit of the plane. Initially Mahfud was invited to chat with the Garuda Indonesia airline pilot he was traveling in. The chat on the Sumatran sky then changed the invitation to take a photo together.

Number 3 at High. While enjoying Garuda's flight above the Sumatran sky, I was suddenly approached by the pilot of the plane I was traveling on. Capt Widiyatno took a moment to chat, then offered a photo together in the cockpit," Mahfud wrote on his Instagram account, @mohmahfudmd, quoted Friday 17 November.

The experience was certainly not overlooked by the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs. The invitation for a joint photo pilot in the cockpit of the plane was approved.

"Wow, I'm happy," he added.

Photo in the happy impression, Mahfud did not forget to pose a three-finger greeting. The pilots did not want to miss showing off the three fingers of the PDI-P metal greeting (PDIP).

"We took pictures with our respective smiles, nor did we miss the greetings #ThreeJari from all of us. Thank you, Capt Widi and Co-pilot Dirga," said Mahfud.

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