
JAKARTA - The Indonesian Retail Entrepreneurs Association (Aprindo) highlighted the hectic boycott of fast moving consumer goods (FMCG) products suspected of being pro-Israel.

General Chairperson (Ketum) Aprindo Roy Nicholas Mandey hopes that this will not sacrifice or replace consumer rights.

"It means this, we also still need to question the observations that are said or linked to Israel. That's how relevant it is even though it has been stated by the outside press. That's fine, but the assessment or observation is to what extent," Roy said at a press conference in Jakarta, Wednesday, November 15.

Roy said consumer rights to buy and get products need to be protected. He gave an example, such as in one family there is a baby who needs formula milk purchased in the retail market.

Then the consumer is not allowed to buy it

"Again, he (consumers) have the right to buy (needs) for the baby. In the end, it will be difficult. Well, this is what we regret because of course the need for mothers to spend for their babies or children's children who are still small finally have to be replaced and have an impact," he said.

Another example, continued Roy, is food and beverage suppliers who employ workers from Indonesia and have halal certification but are boycotted.

Meanwhile, consumers themselves need that food and drink.

He did not deny that currently there is a fatwa of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) regarding the boycott.

According to him, this is not a problem and the most important thing is how consumer rights themselves are fulfilled.

"We do not touch the fatwa, but what we touch is consumers. The right of consumers to choose or buy needs to be protected. Consumers when shopping or consumption contribute also to economic (growth), because our household consumption is 51.8 percent of household consumption," he added.

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