JAKARTA - The National Food Agency (Bapanas) has announced plans to distribute government food reserves for rice food aid in 2024 to 22 million beneficiary families (KPM).
"The 2024 rice food aid is proposed using data on the Targeting of the Acceleration of Elimination of Extreme Poverty from the Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Culture (Ministry of Coordination for Human Development and Culture) of 22 million KPM," said Head of Bapanas Arief Prasetyo Adi during a Hearing Meeting with Commission IV of the DPR as reported by ANTARA, Wednesday, November 8.
Then Arief explained that Bapanas would also distribute aid for handling stunting in the form of chicken meat and chicken egg food aid to 1.4 million families prone to stunting (KRS) by referring to data from the National Population and Family Planning Agency (BKKBN).
The distribution of government food aid in 2024 for a period of 6 months will be distributed in two stages, namely the first stage from January to March and the second stage from April to June.
"The 2024 food aid distribution plan will be implemented in two stages, January to March then April to June," said Arief.
During the hearing, Arief also said that Bapanas had finished distributing the government's food reserves for the first phase of food aid for rice, chicken meat and eggs in 2023.
"The next second stage of rice food aid, 21.3 million KPM, will become 22 million. Then there will be aid for chicken meat and chicken eggs to 1.4 million KRS," said Arief.
Arief explained that the ongoing progress of distribution of rice food aid for phase 2 had reached 67.93 percent, while food aid for chicken meat and chicken eggs had reached 40.87 percent.
The distribution of food aid for rice, chicken meat and chicken eggs for phase 2 in 2023 is targeted for completion in November 2023.
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