
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) is implementing the Cash Labor Intensive Program (PKT) in the 2023 Fiscal Year (TA). One of them is in the field of water resources (SDA) with a total budget of IDR 4.68 trillion and a target of absorbing 321,939 workers.

PUPR Minister Basuki Hadimuljono said that the People's Infrastructure Program or Cash Labor Intensive Program is very important for people with low income.

"In addition to spurring economic growth and increasing people's purchasing power, PKT also aims to distribute funds to remote villages," Minister Basuki said in a written statement, quoted Monday, November 6.

Based on e-monitoring data on October 30, 2023, it was recorded that the PKT SDA financial progress had reached 85.24 percent and the physical progress was 85.62 percent with an absorption of 273,641 workers.

One of the PKT activities in the SDA sector is the Irrigation Water Administration Improvement Acceleration Program (P3-TGAI) in 12,000 locations with a budget of IDR 2.3 trillion.

P3-TGAI's physical work achievement alone has reached 96.59 percent and financial progress has reached 98.66 percent with labor absorption of 174,316 people in 11,144 locations.

P3TGAI is an increase in tertiary irrigation channels, from natural channels/land to channels with stone/lining pairs carried out by farmers or local residents. Farmers are given daily or weekly wages, thus increasing the income of farmers or villagers, especially between the planting and harvesting seasons.

Other PKT SDA fields are irrigation and swampy operations (OP) in 1,225 locations amounting to Rp585 billion. To date, the achievement of PKT OP irrigation financial progress and swamps is 74.25 percent with a physical progress of 83.31 percent which has absorbed 22,220 workers.

In addition, there is the PKT for Assistance (TP) OP Irrigation and swamps with a budget of Rp453 billion, whose financial progress is currently 85.99 percent with an absorption of 40,612 workers.

Next, there is PKT Assistance Task Force (TP) OP Irrigation and swamps with a budget of Rp453 billion, whose current financial progress has reached 85.99 percent with an absorption of 40,612 workers.

Then, there is the river and coastal PKT OP at 1,524 locations worth Rp493 billion with financial and physical progress of 80.81 percent and 87.66 percent, respectively, which has absorbed 15,423 workers.

Furthermore, there is PKT OP groundwater and raw water in 746 locations worth Rp180 billion with financial progress of 75.32 percent and physical progress of 83.68 percent which has absorbed 6,526 workers.

Finally, there are PKT OP dams, lakes, ponds, reservoirs in 1,318 locations worth Rp624 billion with a financial progress of 51.97 percent and a physical progress of 82.38 percent which has absorbed 14,500 workers in 882 locations.

In addition to the PKT activity, there are also additional contractual activities that are made as many as 22 packages with a budget of Rp. 6.58 billion. To date, the physical progress has reached 45.05 percent with a workforce absorption of 44 people.

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