
JAKARTA - PT Jasa Armada Indonesia Tbk (IPCM) recorded an increase in revenue of 27.87 percent to IDR 858.11 billion from IDR 671.05 billion (YoY).

IPCM also recorded a profit of IDR 119.78 billion. This amount is up 17.81 percent from IDR 101.67 billion (YoY).

IPCM President Director, Shanti Puruhita is optimistic to be able to achieve the 2023 target and maintain good corporate fundamentals.

"Efforts to implement the company's strategy in the form of service optimization, increasing cooperation with partners, updating production equipment in the form of construction of tugboats and guided motors as well as the effectiveness of work patterns that prioritize safety elements in ship delay guidance services for service users' satisfaction is our commitment," he quoted his written statement, Saturday, November 4.

The main contribution of IPCM's revenue was obtained from ship services amounting to IDR 756.28 billion or 88.13 percent of total revenue. Other income contributions are transportation services and others amounting to IDR 70.33 billion or 8.19 percent and ship management services of IDR 31.50 billion or 3.67 percent.

Pendapatan jasa penundahan kapal yang terdiri dari port umum senilai Rp326,02 miliar, Terminal Khusus (Tersus) sebanyak Rp227,47 miliar dan Terminal Untuk Kepentingan Sendiri (TUKS) sebesar Rp163,72 miliar.

The increase in Tersus income in this period increased higher when compared to TUKS' income, with an increase of 73.74 percent and 34.99 percent respectively compared to the 2022 period.

The cost of revenue increased by 32.95 percent from Rp480.68 billion to Rp639.09 billion, most of which contributed by the increase in fuel oil prices.

Nevertheless, by carrying out the company's strategic plan, the Company managed to record an increase in operating profit of 20.47 percent to Rp144.95 billion from Rp120.33 billion in the previous year.

IPCM can also record an increase in total assets by 3.91 percent from IDR 1.49 trillion in 9M-2022 to IDR 1.55 trillion in 9M-2023.

The Company's performance until the third quarter of 2023 is able to be maintained from several aspects, including the readiness of the fleet and crew, maintenance of ships carried out on time to the implementation of various transformation programs aimed at improving operational services.

The increase in cooperation with partners is also active, among others, by signing several long-term agreements with PT Cemindo Gemilang Tbk, PT Nusantara Regas, PT Jawa Satu Power, PT Lang Laju Layang and PT Pelabuhan Bukit Prima. In addition, IPCM has also signed a cooperation agreement related to guidance and delay services with the Sub Holding Pelindo Jasa Maritime for the entire Regional 2 Pelindo area.

These collaborations are a strategic step for IPCM in its efforts to achieve the company's target by synergizing the Port Business Entity (BUP). We are also committed to continuing to meet the expectations of service users and improve and improve service quality for better customer satisfaction. " concluded Shanti.

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