
JAKARTA - Chairman of the Board of Commissioners of the Financial Services Authority (OJK) Mahendra Siregar said that since the issuance of POJK number 13 of 2018 concerning digital financial innovation in the financial services sector, the enthusiasm of financial service innovation business players for the development of innovation in the financial services sector is very high.

Mahendra conveyed, in the Financial System Stability Committee (KSSK) meeting since POJK number 13 of 2018 was published, there were 458 proposals for recording as organizers of Financial Sector Technology Innovation (ITSK) entering the OJK in the context of sandbox regulatory.

"As of October 2023, there were 99 ITSK organizers who entered the sandbox regulatory which were divided into 14 business model clusters," Mahendra said in a press conference Friday, November 3.

The three business model clusters with the highest number of organizers, namely, the ITSK 29 organizers, the ITSK Innovative Credit Scoring around 17 ITSK organizers, and Transaction Authentication there are 8 ITSK organizers.

Mahendra emphasized that the OJK continues to encourage financial literacy and education, through the implementation of online and offline activities which are expected to reach people throughout Indonesia.

"In October 2023, in order to enliven the financial inclusion month which is routinely held every year, OJK together with all stakeholders have organized more than 130 financial literacy and inclusion programs throughout Indonesia," he said.

Furthermore, Mahendra said, in terms of consumer protection, until October 20, 2023, the OJK had received 247,546 service requests, including 18,010 complaints, 88 complaints indicated violations, and 1,824 disputes that were included in the Financial Services Sector Dispute Settlement Alternative Institution (LAPS SJK).

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