
PT PLN (Persero) invites the collaboration of companies in Indonesia to build a sustainable business in order to support the energy transition as well as to face the vision of Indonesia Gold 2045.

PLN President Director Darmawan Prasodjo said that the economic sector in Indonesia is currently faced with the earth's challenges which are heating up the impact of the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) effect.

This condition cannot be separated from the operational activities of companies in Indonesia.

"One liter of gasoline has GRK emissions, as well as one kWh of electricity. Even though all of this is economic activity. If we want to reduce it, the economy will slow down. So we need to change the perspective of our backward looking to forward looking," said Darmawan.

The forward looking perspective here, said Darmawan, is how to accelerate economic growth and at the same time maintain the environment for the sustainability of the life of the nation's generation in the future.

Darmawan emphasized that PLN's commitment to encourage a conducive ecosystem is to increase the productivity of business actors in Indonesia towards Indonesia's 2045 gold vision.

So that the Acceleration of economic growth in the vision of Indonesia Gold 2045 can be achieved simultaneously.

"So that the economy grows, these products and services must also increase. So ladies and gentlemen, everything must develop. For that, in achieving Indonesia Gold, of course, every CEO who is here must be able to increase productivity, in that process it also makes the company healthier," concluded Darmawan.

Meanwhile, Minister of Finance (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani said that the energy transition step requires support from all parties, including the business world.

This is because the energy transition from fossil-based resources to new and renewable energy (EBT) has consequences for the need for large fiscal space and investment.

Investment needs include the construction of power plants, transmissions, and distribution routes to the center of demand.

PLN is unlikely to do that alone, there will definitely be many consequences from the Capex side (Capital Expenditure). For example, if there are assets that must then be retired. Also for investment for smart grids and distribution networks," said Sri Mulyani, Thursday, November 2.

In order to meet the needs of the energy transition in Indonesia, Sri Mulyani said, the need for long-term and extraordinary fiscal strategies.

For this reason, he said the existence of the State Budget (APBN) plus the collaboration of the business world could help various energy transition efforts in Indonesia.

"It's impossible to talk about the green industry if the industry is dirty. So everyone says now that when we talk about green, the energy must be greened, that's why in America it uses an inflation reduction act, it wants to green it from an energy perspective, and it requires a very large investment," said Sri Mulyani.

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