
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs (Kemenkop UKM) collaborates with a number of universities to encourage an increase in the ratio of young entrepreneurs, especially from students or millennials.

One of the universities is Hasanuddin University (Unhas) in Makassar, South Sulawesi.

"We are indeed working with campuses, one of which is UnHas to produce young entrepreneurs from students or universities. We need around 1 million new entrepreneurs and we want that from the campus," said Minister of Cooperatives and SMEs (Menkop UKM) Teten Masduki in an official statement received by VOI, Friday, October 20.

Teten said the government would provide support in the form of assistance (incubation) to access to funding for young entrepreneurs, especially from students on condition that they have prospective business development ideas or innovations.

According to him, currently there are many business enablers or incubators who are ready to provide comprehensive assistance to anyone who has a prospective business plan. Moreover, if the business plan he initiated is combined with information technology.

"Right now, there are many applications, many tools that can be used for us who want to start a business. In fact, there is no need to have our own factories or production houses, with ecosystems that we build such as joint or macron production houses, people can already have businesses," said Teten.

He asked students who are and will start a business to see potential advantages in their area.

Because, with the right mapping, the business journey involved will have high competitiveness.

"So, if these business incubators can map business potential in each region and then connect with financing and connect with buyers, it will make it easier for them to start a business," he said.

In order to accelerate the achievement of the national entrepreneurship ratio target of 3.95 percent and new entrepreneurial growth of 4 percent in 2024, Teten encouraged campuses or universities to begin to change their students' mindsets to be more creative in creating business ideas in the middle of the study.

"We have to start cleaning up and have started talking with various campuses to change the curriculum so as not to create undergraduates into employees, but must become an entrepreneur factory," he said.

Meanwhile, the Chancellor of Hasanuddin University (UnHas) Jamaluddin Jabom said that his party welcomed the initiative of the Kemenkop UKM which made the campus one of the incubators for the development of student business models or millennials.

At Unhas, said Jamaluddin, there will be a new curriculum to provide opportunities for young entrepreneurs or students to develop themselves to become entrepreneurs for one semester. With this curriculum, it is hoped that UnHas graduates can become reliable entrepreneurs.

"We require the economic study program to have entrepreneurship, we also have the directorate of technology and entrepreneurship incubators. In addition, we also have science technology to ensure the innovation process carried out by lecturers and students," he said.

For your information, Presidential Regulation (Perpres) Number 2 of 2022 concerning Entrepreneurship Development, the government together with the private sector, academics, and other multi-stakeholders will work together to support the development of the entrepreneurial ecosystem.

In the Presidential Decree, it is stated that the government is targeting a national entrepreneurship ratio of 3.95 percent and new entrepreneurial growth of 4 percent in 2024.

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