
JAKARTA Garuda Indonesia will gradually increase the frequency of flight routes in the period November to December 2023.

This step was taken as an effort to attract foreign tourists to come to Indonesia ahead of the year-end period.

President Director of Garuda Indonesia Irfan Setiaputra said. in November 2023 a number of flight routes will be increased, including Narita-Denpasar pp from the previous 5 times a week to 7 times a week.

Then, Guangzhou-Jakarta pp, which was previously served 3 times a week, will be 4 times a week.

Then, Shanghai-Jakarta pp, which was previously served 2 times a week, will be 3 times a week.

Furthermore, Melbourne-Denpasar pp, which was previously served 3 times a week, becomes 4 times per week, and Singapore Denpasar pp which was previously served 5 times a week becomes 7 times a week.

Meanwhile, in December 2023, Garuda Indonesia also plans to increase the frequency on the Sydney-Jakarta pp route which was previously served 4 times a week to 5 times a week, Seoul-Denpasar pp which was previously served 2 times a week to 4 times a week and Sydney-Denpasar pp which was previously served 4 times a week to 5 times a week.

Irfan said the addition of flight frequency to a number of flight routes was also in line with Garuda Indonesia's ongoing steps in realizing the increase in production capacity.

"With the trend of the number of foreign tourist visits to Indonesia, which penetrated 1 million tourists per month at the end of Semester 1-2023, it is hoped that this increase in the frequency of international flights can support the realization of the target of foreign tourist visits to 8.5 million people by the end of 2023," said Irfan in an official statement, Thursday, October 19.

In line with the momentum of the revival of the national tourism sector, continued Irfan, Garuda Indonesia also describes the growth of passenger traffic, especially in the international aviation sector.

Until the beginning of the third quarter of 2023, said Irfan, Garuda Indonesia recorded the growth of international route passengers by 215 percent to 859,061 passengers, when compared to the same period last year.

"With the opportunity to grow passengers on international routes that continue to show promising potential, we are quite optimistic that by the end of 2023, especially through the momentum of the year-end holidays, the number of passengers can grow by 30 percent compared to the period at the end of last year," concluded Irfan.

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