JAKARTA - Perum Bulog West Java Region distributed 124,479 tons of rice for the Government Food Reserve Program (CPP) for 27 districts/cities in the area.
"In the government's food assistance program for three months, West Java Bulog was assigned to distribute 124,479 tons to 4,149,374 beneficiary families (KPM) or 41,493 tons of rice per month," said Head of Perum Bulog West Java, M. Attar Rizal in Bandung, quoted from Antara, Thursday 5 October.
He said that until now his party was still carrying out the distribution process to distribute the Government Food Reserve (CPP) Rice Program for three months, namely September to November 2023 to all districts/cities in West Java.
"Meanwhile, the distribution process in September has reached 100 percent and has now entered the distribution in October", he said.
Attar explained that before being distributed to KPM, the food aid rice had gone through a strict quality checking process by PT Pos Indonesia Regional 3 to help smooth and secure the CPP rice distribution process.
"Perum Bulog West Java Regional Office is committed to maintaining the quality of the food aid rice distributed to the community to ensure distribution runs smoothly, including ensuring the quality of rice is maintained," he said.
Furthermore, he appealed to the public to report if they found or received rice that was not suitable for consumption.
"People please check the condition of the rice, if there is rice that is not in accordance with the standard quality of medium rice, immediately report it, we will immediately exchange it at that time," said Attar.
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