JAKARTA – The Financial Services Authority (OJK) officially held The 1st OJK International Research Forum 2023, which is the first event related to the interconnectedness of the financial sector in an effort to support the green economy.
Head of the OJK Institute, Agus Sugiarto, said that this forum was based on awareness of how to contribute to saving the earth.
“We in the financial sector can support reducing carbon emissions and building an electric vehicle ecosystem. "Climate change is clearly a current global challenge and this requires coordination from all parties for mitigation efforts," he said Monday, September 25.
According to Agus, all countries have their own mandate to be able to strive for net zero carbon. It was stated that forums like this are a strategic forum for broadening understanding of how to achieve development goals in accordance with environmental principles.
"We hope that discussions and research in this forum can contribute to all of us to keep the earth green and blue forever," he said.
For information, on September 26 OJK plans to launch a carbon exchange in Indonesia as a form of monetizing environmental potential into value-added economic activities.
The authority declared the launch of the carbon exchange as an important milestone for environmental sustainability in line with economic activities.
“OJK supports success and trading through the carbon exchange. "We will maintain it until it is successful and the proceeds will be reinvested in official emission reduction efforts," said Chairman of the OJK Board of Commissioners, Mahendra Siregar.
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