
The Task Force for Handling State Collection Rights for the Bank Indonesia Liquidity Assistance Fund (BLBI Task Force) is known to carry out physical control activities in the form of installing signs on property assets of former BPPN/ex BLBI in the form of land in Bandar Lampung City with a total area of around 287,668 square meters.

Head of the BLBI Task Force Rionald Silaban said the estimated value of assets that were successfully controlled by the state reached Rp. 149 billion. According to him, the firm action taken by the Task Force is the implementation of Presidential Decree Number 6 of 2021 in conjunction with Presidential Decree Number 16 of 2021.

"The BLBI Task Force has carried out a series of strategies, programs, and activities to return collection rights to the state with efforts to collect obligors/debtors and handle property assets which are carried out in stages and measurably," he said in a written statement, Tuesday, September 19.

Rional detailed that the assets confiscated by the Task Force consisted of three large groups. First, the property in Tanjung Karang Timur, Bandar Lampung City, Lampung Province covering an area of 126,471 square meters originating from the former Bank Danamon (BTO).

Second, the property in Teluk Betung Barat District, Bandar Lampung City covering an area of 124,283 square meters originating from the former General Bank of Servitia (BBKU).

And the third is the property of West Teluk Betung District, Bandar Lampung City with an area of 36,914 square meters originating from the former Bank Danamon (BTO).

"One of the efforts to handle property assets carried out is the physical control of land and building assets through the installation of security signs aimed at resolving and restoring state rights from BLBI funds by the BLBI Task Force," he added.

Rionald explained that physical control of property assets was carried out together with the National Police Criminal Investigation Team, the local Police, and the relevant regional government.

"Against the assets that have been physically controlled, management optimization will then be carried out in accordance with applicable regulations. For the next stage, the BLBI Task Force has planned acts of physical control over property assets spread across various cities/regencies in Indonesia," concluded Rionald.

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