
JAKARTA The Indonesian National Police (Polri) is targeted to be able to collect Non-Tax State Revenue (PNBP) of IDR 11 trillion next year.

This emerged in the level I discussion of the 2024 State Budget Bill (RUU) which was held by the DPR's Budget Agency (Banggar) with the government.

Member of the Golkar Party (Golkar) faction, Nurul Arifin, said that the figure was higher than the initial assumption proposed by the government.

"Other PNBPs from the National Police's ministries/agencies in the 2024 RAPBN amounted to Rp10.11 trillion to Rp11 trillion," he said at the Senayan Parliament Complex, Jakarta on Tuesday, September 19.

Nurul explained that the PNBP target was part of the National Police's contribution to support state revenue. He said the total PNBP from all ministries/agencies reached Rp492 trillion, an increase from the initial assumption of RAPBN 2024 which amounted to Rp473 trillion.

VOI noted that in 2022 the National Police managed to collect PNBP of IDR 9.4 trillion. Last year's realization rose 6.8 percent year on year (yoy) compared to the 2021 book which amounted to IDR 8.8 trillion. Meanwhile, the achievement of National Police revenue in 2020 was recorded at IDR 7.7 trillion.

Meanwhile, the PNBP target from the Bhayangkara Corps for 2023 is IDR 10.2 trillion. For information, the Non-Tax State Revenue obtained by the National Police comes from the issuance of STNK, BPKB, TNKB, NRKB, ticketing, as well as extension and/or issuance of SIMs.

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