
JAKARTA - The Indonesian E-commerce Association (idEA) said that the determinant of a platform to carry out a trade monopoly can only be done by the Business Competition Supervisory Commission (KPPU).

This is in response to the statement of the Minister of Cooperatives and SMEs (Menkop UKM) Teten Masduki who said TikTok was monopolizing because he ran the social media and e-commerce business at the same time, some time ago.

"Those who have the right to determine the monopoly of course have institutions, KPPU. And I think those who have the right to determine the KPPU monopoly assessment because there is a market story that must be measured," said IdEA Chairman Bima Laga when met in the Kebayoran Baru area, South Jakarta, on Friday, September 8.

Bima gave an example, one of the e-commerce platforms that has a payment system aims to facilitate buying and selling transactions.

However, whether this can be categorized as a monopoly, KPPU has the right to conduct a measured assessment of this matter.

"I think, for example, if one of the (e-commerce platforms) sijo or the oren he has his own payment system (payment system), it is to simplify the process that occurs, for example from 3 steps to 2. In fact, 1 step, but whether it is categorized as a monopoly, there must be a measured assessment," he said.

Therefore, Bima spoke about whether TikTok could be said to have carried out a trade monopoly in running its business.

"I can't say it's a monopoly until there is an assessment in the market of its dominance, whether there is a similar way, because monopoly means a lot, if for example no other payment is used, if there is another payment, yes, maybe it's not called a monopoly," he concluded.

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