JAKARTA - The Jakarta Bandung High Speed Rail Project (KCJB) is targeted to operate commercially or paidly in October 2023. A series of trials will continue to be carried out until it is declared ready to operate.Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi hopes that a series of rapid train trials that will continue to be carried out by the Ministry of Transportation together with PT Kereta Cepat Indonesia China (KCIC) can run smoothly. This was conveyed by Budi after conducting a trial of the Jakarta Bandung High Speed Train from Halim Station to Pallaran Station on Saturday, September 2. The journey was smooth, traveling travel time was about 30 minutes with the highest speed up to 352 km per hour. We together with KCIC continue to make improvements by carrying out a series of trials. Hopefully the trial will run smoothly with good results, so that it can already be used by the public in October 2023," he said in an official statement, written Sunday, September 3. Budi also targets that by October 2023 the operation of the high-speed train can be carried out commercially. He also said that later the operation will be carried out in stages. It is targeted that fast train operation will start on October 1, 2023. The operation will be carried out in stages starting from 8 train trips in October,' he continued. Then, in November the operation of the train increased to 28 train trips. Then in December there will be 40 train trips, and January 2024 will reach 68 train trips.
Selain mencoba kereta cepat, Budi juga menjajal kereta feeder atau kereta pengumpan yang menghubungkan Stasiun KCJB Padalarang dengan Stasiun Bandung. Perjalanan dari Stasiun Padalarang ke Stasiun Bandung menempuh waktu selama 20 menit.Budi mengatakan waktu tempuh dari Jakarta menuju pusat kota Bandung menggunakan kereta cepat dan dilanjutkan dengan kereta feeder adalah sekitar 50 menit.Pada kesempatan ini, Budi juga memastikan integrasi antara kereta cepat dengan moda transportasi lainnya akan dilakukan. Sehingga masyarakat mendapatkan kemudahan akses dalam menggunakan transportasi massal pertama di Indonesia ini.Lebih lanjut, Budi menjelaskan sejumlah pembangunan sedang dilakukan untuk mengoptimalkan perjalanan kereta feeder. Secara keseluruhan akan ada pembangunan Skybridge di Stasiun Padalarang, Cimahi, dan Bandung, serta pembangunan Flyover Ciroyom dan Pusdikpom.
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