JAKARTA - The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) has allocated a budget for the Cash for Work program of IDR 6.67 trillion in 2024. PUPR Minister Basuki Hadimuljono said this budget is targeted to absorb 264 thousand workers.
"Including extreme poverty support which is targeted to absorb 264 thousand workers with a budget of IDR 6.67 trillion," said Basuki in a joint working meeting with Commission V of the Indonesian Parliament in Jakarta, Wednesday, August 30.
Basuki explained that the labor-intensive budget was divided into four segments. First, the budget is allocated for labor-intensive projects in the field of Water Resources in 2024 which are allocated in the amount of IDR 1.57 trillion, namely to continue the implementation of P3TGAI in 7,000 locations.
Next, the labor intensive sector for Roads and Bridges is IDR 2 trillion with a workforce of 20 thousand people. This budget will be allocated to complete road preservation, bridge preservation and drainage revitalization.
Then, for the Intensive Work Settlement sector, the allocated budget is IDR 2.10 trillion with a workforce of 47 people.
The budget will be allocated for the provision of community-based drinking water and sanitation (Pamsimas) in 1,1183 locations, Religious Education (PLK) in 1,279 locations, development of regional socio-economic infrastructure (PISEW) in 738 locations.
Meanwhile, for the Labor-Intensive Housing sector, the allocated budget reaches IDR 1 trillion with a workforce of 92 thousand people. The budget is for support for handling extreme poverty (PKE) through the BPS scheme labor-intensive program for 45,872 units and additions from additional BSPS activities.
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