
JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) inaugurated the operation of the Jakarta, Bogor, Depok and Bekasi (Jabodebek) Cross Raya trains in a ceremony at Cawang Station, East Jakarta, Monday, August 28.

In his remarks, the Head of State stated that this new public facility will play a role in reducing congestion and pollution in the capital city and surrounding areas.

"By saying bismillahirrahmanirrahim this morning, I inaugurated the integrated light rail in the Jakarta, Bogor, Depok and Bekasi areas," said the President on Monday, August 28.

The editorial team noted that the budget spent on building the Jabodebek LRT was IDR 32.6 trillion.

However, do you know that one of the most crucial factors in making this happen is land acquisition.

The State Asset Management Institute (LMAN) stated that the total funding/land acquisition for the Jabodebek LRT reached IDR 1,315 billion, aka IDR 1.31 trillion.

This figure was conveyed directly by the Director of Land Procurement and Funding at LMAN Qoswara when met at his office in Jakarta.

"Our Jabodebek LRT will pay for the land in the amount of IDR 1.3 trillion," he told reporters, Monday, August 28.

Qoswara explained that the LMAN is spearheading land acquisition for the infrastructure development for the National Strategic Project (PSN), including the LRT.

The total funds that have been disbursed by the State Budget (APBN) for land acquisition in PSN reach IDR 10.3 trillion as of August 2023.

"From infrastructure development, PSN has recorded Non-Tax State Revenue (PNBP) from its performance of IDR 2.19 trillion," he said.

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