JAKARTA - Chairman of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Puan Maharani, alluded to the latest Indonesian Long-Term Development Plan (RPJPN), namely RPJPN 2025-2045 when delivering the opening speech for the First Session of the DPR for the 2023-2024 Session Year. Regarding this RPJPN, he also emphasized the importance of Indonesian Development Politics.
"One of the agendas for the formation of the Law (UU) in the future which is very strategic is the Law on the National Long-Term Development Plan for the 2025-2045 Period," said Puan at the Plenary Session of the Opening of the First Session of the DPR for the 2023-2024 Session Year which was held at the Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Wednesday 16 August.
The DPR Plenary Session was held after the MPR Annual Session and the Joint Session of the DPR RI and DPD RI. The opening session of the DPR session was attended by President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) and Vice President KH Ma'ruf Amin in the context of submitting the Draft Law (RUU) on the State Budget for Fiscal Year 2024 along with their Financial Notes and supporting documents to the DPR.
Puan explained that after the mandate of the 1945 Constitution, long-term development planning as a comprehensive direction and priority for development was carried out in stages, formulated in the form of laws. Namely Law No. 17 of 2007 concerning the National Long-Term Development Plan for 2005-2025.
For the next period, the National Long-Term Development Plan Law will be formed for 2025-2045 to realize the 2045 Golden Indonesia Vision. Currently, the latest RPJPN Bill is still under discussion between the DPR and the Government which is targeted for completion in September 2023.
The regulation will later serve as a guideline for planning the second national development that was prepared in the reform era. The preparation of the 2025-2045 RPJPN Bill has also involved the aspirations of the people.
The existence of this law in the future needs to be optimized in providing overall national development directions and priorities. So that every President, Governor, and Regent/Mayor no longer has a vision and mission of development," explained Puan.
The grandson of the Proclaimer of the Republic of Indonesia Bung Karno added that the task of building the nation and state of Indonesia in the future is not easy. According to Puan, a series of challenges need to be faced together, starting from external situations such as geopolitical, geo-economic, technological and information disruption, globalization of cultural values and others, and including internal domestic situations.
"Among other things, the problems of Human Resources, middle-income traps, equitable development, productivity, downstream industry, natural resource management, food vulnerability, energy, extreme poverty, unemployment, climate disasters, and environmental degradation," he explained.
"As well as the development of transnational ideologies that are contrary to Pancasila as the identity of the nation. Therefore, we must have Indonesian Development Politics," added Puan.
The Indonesian Development Politics in question is planned political activities, planned economic activities, planned social activities, planned cultural activities, planning national character activities, and planned regional development activities. In addition, said Puan, all other strategic planning activities.
"We must be able to put all of these work plans into the political design of development whose horizon reaches the future, and answer various problems of the nation and state," said the former Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture.
Regarding the political design of development, Puan invites all parties to understand and be able to see developments and tendencies in the next 25 to 30 years. Both from demographic issues, geopoliticals, geo-economics, energy, natural resources, technology and so on.
The nation that excels is a nation that understands its will of the times. The establishment of the National Long-Term Development Plan Law for 2025-2045 can be a momentum in strengthening the planned, guided, coordinated and sustainable Indonesian Universal Development Politics," said Puan.
At this plenary session, Puan also mentioned the success of Indonesia out of the Covid-19 pandemic. According to him, the transfer of status from pandemic to Covid-19 endemic is the fruit of success thanks to the mutual cooperation of all elements of the nation.
"On June 21, the Indonesian government officially revoked the status of the Covid-19 pandemic and turned it into an endemic. We should be grateful, since early March 2020 we have faced the worst threat of the pandemic and now we have managed to get through it," he said.
Puan also appreciated the handling carried out by the Government to make Indonesia get a world recognition for dealing with the Covid-19 Pandemic. In June 2022, WHO said that the handling of Covid-19 in Indonesia was among the best in the world. Previously, John Hopkins University also presented Indonesia as One Of The Best In The World in reducing Covid cases.
"On this achievement, let us together give appreciation to all components of the Nation and Children of the Nation, who have worked together to overcome the Covid-19 Pandemic," said Puan.
Indonesia's success through the worst threat of the Covid-19 pandemic is said to be the result of efforts and joint work of all components of the nation. Starting from the President and Ministries/Institutions, Regional Governments, DPR RI, DPD RI, Provincial and Regency DPRDs, health workers, TNI/Polri, BUMN, private sector, community organizations, universities, and all children of the nation.
"Once again, our experience as a nation and a country, proves that by being united in the spirit of Gotong Royong, we can face and overcome any problems and threats, such as those caused by the Covid-19 Pandemic," said Puan.
"This is our national and national strength, namely mutual cooperation, the soul of the Indonesian nation," added the first woman to serve as Chair of the Indonesian House of Representatives.
Furthermore, Puan said there are still challenges that must be faced after the Covid-19 pandemic. These challenges are related to accelerating economic and social recovery where policy makers are required to be able to carry out the duties of the State Government effectively in protecting, enlivening, and educating the people, and participating in implementing world order.
"The hope of the people is that their life will be easier, their welfare will increase, and will get convenience in public services. It is the commitment of the DPR RI to improve the performance of its constitutional functions in carrying out the sovereignty of the people," concluded Puan.
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