JAKARTA - The Directorate General of Construction Development of the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) encourages the use of Buton Asphalt (Asbuton) material as one of the Domestic Products (PDN) in implementing the preservation program and construction of road infrastructure throughout Indonesia through the Directorate General of Highways.
Director General of Construction Development Rachman Arief Dienaputra said, the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing continues to be committed to pushing for acceleration of National Budget (APBN) spending for Local Product (PDN) by 95 percent or IDR 135.64 trillion from the 2023 FY Budget Ceiling of IDR 153.78 trillion.
The PDN includes Micro Small Enterprises and Cooperatives (UMKK) products that meet specifications for self-managed goods/services procurement and labor-intensive work, as well as for work carried out by third parties (service providers).
"The Ministry of PUPR invites the active role of all MSMEs business actors to appeal to all Cooperative and MSMEs business actors to immediately register their products on the e-catalog, and carry out Domestic Component Level (TKDN) certification for their products through the Ministry of Industry. This is to fulfill the PDN spending commitment of the Ministry of PUPR," said Rachman Arief through his official statement, Tuesday, August 15.
To achieve this, a series of business matching forums have been conducted in July-August 2023. From the results of the forum, 18 work packages were recorded to have been contracted using Asbuton with an estimated contract value of IDR 129 billion.
Meanwhile, contract signing activities were represented by construction service providers and manufacturers for 3 contracted packages in Sulawesi which included Bts Road Preservation. Province of South Sulawesi-Tolala-Lelewawo, Preservation of the Sp.Kampung Baru-Wolulu-Bambaea Road, and Preservation of the Bts. Province of Southeast Sulawesi-Asera-Belalo/Lasolo.
"Through this activity, we help educate and inspire local businesses, small and medium enterprises, village-owned enterprises, including local tourism potential to encourage national economic growth," said Deputy Minister of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions, and Transmigration, Paiman Rahajo.
Meanwhile, Daily Executor of Southeast Sulawesi Regional Secretary, Yuni Nurmala Bakti also appreciated the Ministry of PUPR who is a member of the BBI Gernas Team in accordance with Presidential Decree No. 15 of 2021.
This is because they have campaigned for Gernas BBI and BBWI in 2023 in Southeast Sulawesi Province, and acted as co-campagn managers in carrying out activities.
"The Southeast Sulawesi Provincial Government also gave appreciation to the Ministry of PUPR for the use of Aspal Buton as much as 112 thousand tons for asphalting roads in several areas in Indonesia," she said.
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