
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) together with the Ministry of Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises (Kemenkop UKM) are committed to developing fishing corporations.

The establishment of cooperatives for joint business groups (KUB) will continue to be encouraged by increasing the institutional capacity, business, and human resources of cooperatives in the capture fisheries sub-sector.

Plt. Director General of Capture Fisheries Agus Suherman said this step was the government's effort to create a more business-planned fishing corporation for the process, as well as integrated from upstream to downstream.

"If this KUB becomes a cooperative, then its management will be better with the support of the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs, the priority of the KKP through measurable fishing and developed fishing villages can certainly be achieved," he said, quoted from the KKP official website, Friday, August 11.

Acting Director General Agus said that existing fisheries cooperatives will continue to increase their capacity and scale of business, so that the corporate-based fishing business can be realized.

"KKP together with the Kemenkop UKM have agreed to sign a cooperation agreement on the development and development of joint business groups and cooperatives in the field of capture fisheries in order to support developed fishing villages and cooperative-based fishing corporations in Jakarta," he said.

The scope of the cooperation includes synchronizing data on joint business groups and cooperatives in the field of capture fisheries, forming cooperatives for joint business groups, as well as increasing business institutional capacity and quality of cooperative human resources in the field of capture fisheries.

"In addition, there is also an expansion of access to financing sources for cooperatives and their members in the field of capture fisheries, as well as the development of cooperative-based fishing corporations," he said.

Meanwhile, Deputy for Cooperatives of the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs Ahmad Zabadi welcomed the cooperation. He hopes that fishing corporations can expand market access to capture fisheries products so that it has an impact on fishermen's welfare.

"We are ready to help realize the KKP priority program through counseling, training, technical guidance, as well as apprenticeship and assistance to strengthen KUB and fishermen's cooperatives," he said.

For your information, Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Sakti Wahyu Trenggono said that the fishermen's corporate program is one of the national priorities or major projects in the 2020-2024 RPJMN. The implementation of this program is through strengthening business guarantees and forming corporations for farmers and fishermen.

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