
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) has opened its voice regarding the news that PT Freeprot Indonesia will file a lawsuit against the new export duty rules.

The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources through the Acting Director General of Mineral and Coal Muhammad Wafid said that his party did not prohibit Freeport from filing a lawsuit and would still see the lawsuit that would be filed later.

"Oh, that's it. Just look at it first," said Wafid, Monday, August 7.

Meski demikia Wafid membuatkan Freeport dan perusahaan yang memperoleh izin ekspor mineral wajib mengikuti aturan yang tertuang dalam Peraturan Menteri Keuangan (PMK) No. 71/2023 tentang Penetapan Barang Ekspor yang Dikenakan Bea Keluar dan Tarif Bea Keluar.

"It's in accordance with the new PMK, the rules are like that. It should (follow the rules)," continued Wafid.

Quoted from Reuters, in a filing document at the US Securities Exchange Commission (SEC), Freeport McMoRan (FCX) stated that Freepot Indonesia had been granted an export permit on July 24, 2023 to export 1.7 million metric tons of copper concentrate.

Freeport also said that the export obligations that had been carried out so far referred to the licensing of Special Mining Business Permits (IUPK) agreed to PMK No. 164 of 2018 which stated that there was no obligation or imposition of duties if the development of the smelter project had reached 50 percent.

Meanwhile, in the new regulations, the government will continue to impose mandatory exit duties with a tariff of 5 to 10 percent.

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