
Lebak Regent Iti Octavia Jayabaya said the existence of the Serang-Panimbang Toll Road could accelerate the growth of industrial estates in the South Banten region. "We are optimistic that the industrial area will be able to absorb thousands of local workers," said Iti Octavia, quoted by ANTARA, Sunday, July 30. Construction of the Serang-Panimbang Toll Road for phase I Rangkasbitung-Serang along 26.5 kilometers has been operational in 2021 and inaugurated by President Joko Widodo. Meanwhile, phases II and III Rangkasbitung-Panimbang is being worked on and is targeted for completion in 2024. The existence of the 83.67 kilometer Serang-Panimbang Toll Road is confirmed to be able to accelerate the growth of industrial sector areas in the South Banten region. In the South Banten area, there are several sub-districts that are included in the Lebak and Pandeglang Regencies and are still far behind Serang, Cilegon, and Tangerang, he said. According to him, the construction of the toll road will certainly become an area Industry and a new economy, due to being connected to the Jakarta, Bogor, Tangerang, Bekasi, Cikarang, Depok, and Bandung toll roads. The regional government provides land for an industrial sector area of 3,000 hectares in Cileles District as the gateway for South Banten. "We hope that the industrial area can improve the welfare of the local community," he also said. Head of the Lebak Regency Planning, Research and Regional Development Agency Yosep Muhammad Holis said the construction of the Toll Road Serang-Panimbang has an extraordinary multiplier effect on economic growth in the South Banten region. The presence of toll roads can certainly overcome urbanization outside the region and migrant staff abroad, because it can absorb new jobs for the local community. In fact, he said, Cileles District will increase new economic growth by standing an integrated industrial area (KIT) of 3,000 hectares. At the KIT location, he said, later there will be many investors investing in business development in the automotive vehicle industry to the management of fisheries, livestock, plantations and mining. Moreover, in the South Banten area in Bayah District, Lebak Regency, there is already the Semen Merah Putih Factory industry. "We hope that toll roads can target extreme poverty of zero percent in 2024," he explained. Deputy Chairman of the Central Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) Mulyadi Jayabaya stated that the construction of the Serang-Panimbang Toll Road can grow new economic growth for South Banten and absorb jobs for the people in the area. Central Kadin is very supportive of the construction of the Serang-Panimbang Toll Road, so that it can accelerate industrial areas in Lebak-Pandeglang. "We see that in the future industrial areas and tourist areas can absorb local workers, so that the level of people's economic income will be better," said the former Lebak Regent.

A number of people in South Banten said in principle they strongly support the construction of the Serang-Panimbang Toll Road, because it can increase economic income and also minimize poverty. "We hope that the toll road access can accelerate the industrial and tourism sector," said Samsul (55), a South Banten community leader.

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