
JAKARTA - Agriculture Minister Syahrul Yasin Limpo said agriculture has now become a global business and collaboration is the key word for today's agricultural business.

"Collaboration is the key word for the agricultural business model. We are no longer talking about areas, such as Java, Sulawesi or Kalimantan, but globally. So it is very important to connect between you (young farmers) to build the ecosystem," said Syahrul in a written statement, quoted from Antara, Monday 24 July.

This was conveyed by the Minister of Agriculture at the "Local Champion" Millennial Farmers' Sarasehan activity in Makassar, South Sulawesi on Saturday, July 22. The implementation of this sarasehan is the second time after it was previously held in 2022.

In this activity, KUR was also distributed to 225 Millennial Farmers assisted by the Ministry with a total value of Rp. 10,471,000,000.

Minister of Agriculture SYL also said that the Ministry of Agriculture has set the direction of agricultural development policies, namely Agricultural Administrative, Independent, and Modern.

"This policy direction is a guideline for acting smartly, carefully and accurately for the ranks of the Ministry of Agriculture in achieving better performance, optimizing their resources, utilizing cutting-edge technology, and farmer corporations according to the direction of the President," he said.

Syahrul hopes that Millennial Farmers' Sarasehan activities will be able to produce business growth strategies, market networks, technology exchange and innovation, as well as global climate change mitigation. After sarasehan, participants are expected to collaborate between participants and the business world.

He also added that managing agriculture may not be able to buy luxury, but will definitely get peace.

"You will be calm, you can still eat and live adequately. You are here in the right place to lead a better life. Agriculture is profitable, agriculture is not dirty, that's the image first, those of you who make agriculture are cool and profitable," he said.

On the same occasion, Head of the Agricultural HR Counseling and Development Agency (BPPSDMP) Dedi Nursyamsi said the Millennial Farmers' Sarasehan activity also carries all the superior programs of the Ministry of Agriculture.

"Especially innovative and collaborative programs in growing young agricultural entrepreneurs," said Dedi.

One of them is the TANI AKUR Program (Millionaire Access KUR Farmer) which is a collaboration to facilitate access to financing for farmers with affordable interest.

"With easy financing, it is hoped that it will be able to boost the business scale of millennial farmers," he said.

The Millennial Farmer's Sarasehan was attended by 500 Millennial Farmers and 200 people from Polbangtan students and invited guests.

Dedi hopes that this activity can produce millennial farmers to accelerate the active role of millennial farmers in Indonesia's agricultural development.

"Through this event, millennial farmers meet with banks and the business world with the hope that after returning from this gathering, they will become local champions in their respective regions," said Dedi.

Millennial Farmers' Facilities in 2023 are also filled with various activities, such as the Agricultural Superior Product Exhibition, Team Building and Group Formation, the Motivator of "Building Creative Business for Millennial Farmers".

In addition, there are launch activities for the Learning Management System (LMS), YESS Award, 2023 Local Champion Award, and Millennial Farmers Access KUR.

Present at the opening ceremony of the Deputy Regent of Bulukumba, Head of the Bantaeng Agriculture Service, Head of the Bulukumba Agriculture Service, Head of Echelon I Scope of the Ministry of Agriculture, Head of Echelon II Scope of the Ministry of Agriculture, Head of Banking for KUR Distributors (People's Business Credit) and Representatives of the Business World and the Industrial World.

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