
YOGYAKARTA Kuitance is a document of a piece of paper that can be used as proof of transaction or handover of money. Well, in this article, the reason for writing the nominal money in the receipt using letters. Read continuously until the end, yes!

Please note, receipts have an important role in business, especially related to payment transactions. Even though it is only a piece of paper, the receipt has the power as proof of the transfer of some money, from a payer to a recipient.

The receipts combined with materai have strong legal force and can be used as legal evidence in court.

That's why many companies require receipts for all kinds of transactions.

The receipt can be used as evidence if there is a dispute over transactions in the future.

To facilitate transaction activities, each company often print its own receipts equipped with a companyhead.

So, why should the nominal amount of money in the receipt be written in letters? To find out the answer to this question, see the full information below.

The rules for writing the nominal amount of money in receipts using letters have been in effect since the Dutch East Indies era. This is stated in Herzien Inlandsch Reglement (HIR) which is the law of the trial of civil and criminal cases.

Well, the letter writing provisions for the nominal transaction in the receipt document are listed in Staatblad Number 16 of 1848.

The writing of the nominal amount of money in the receipt using letters is intended to minimize the occurrence of certain numbers or fraud errors. If only a number is explained, for example, it can easily be added one or two digits of the new number in front or behind the actual number, it will change the nominal amount of the transaction.

Within the scope of government agencies, the writing of receipts refers to Minister of Finance Regulation Number 5 of 2012 concerning Payment Procedures in the Context of Implementing the State Revenue and Expenditure Budget.

The PMK regulates how to fill in money receipts, one of which is that you must fill in the amount of money with numbers, then you must fill in the nominal amount of money in letters.

The use of receipts in the eyes of Indonesian law was then confirmed in Law (UU) number 10 of 2020 concerning Customs Materai. This regulation comes into effect as of January 1, 2021.

In Article 3 paragraph (1) of the regulation, IDR 10,000 stamp duty is imposed on documents made as a tool to explain a civil incident, one of which is a receipt document with a nominal amount of money starting from IDR 5 million.

"Documents that state the amount of money with a nominal value of more than Rp. 5,000,000.00 (five million rupiah) which (1) states the receipt of money; or (2) contains an acknowledgment that the total debt or part of it has been repaid or taken into account," reads the article, followed by VOI.

This is information about the reason for writing the nominal amount of money in the receipt using letters. Hopefully this article can increase the insight of VOI.ID readers.

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