JAKARTA - PT Industri Jamu Dan Farmasi Sido Muncul Tbk (SIDO) continues to prove its commitment to helping prevent stunting in the country. Most recently, Sido Muncul distributed assistance for stunting prevention to children in Semarang, after previously similar assistance was provided in the areas of South Cipete Village, South Jakarta, Bali and Yogyakarta.
The assistance in the form of cash amounting to Rp228 million was symbolically handed over by the Director of Sido Muncul Irwan Hidayat to the Regent of Semarang Ngesti Nugraha, Agro Wisata Sido Muncul, in Bergas, Semarang Regency, on Wednesday 5 July.
Director of Sido Muncul, Irwan Hidayat, said that this assistance was given to 76 stunting suspects in Semarang Regency including Karangjati Village 7 children, Klepu Village 23 children, Diwak Village 6 children, Ngempon Village 11 children, and Bergas Kidul Village as many as 29 children. Assistance provided for six months in the period July-December 2023, each will receive IDR 500,000 per month.
"We will transfer direct aid funds to families in need. The funds that we distribute will be used to buy food 3 times a day. The total we help is 76 children. We will help for six months from July to December," said Irwan Hidayat.
Furthermore, Irwan added, this assistance is a form of support and alignment of the CSR program from Sido Muncul with the government in order to accelerate the reduction in stunting prevalence rates.
"With the help of handling stunting, it is hoped that the number of stunting sufferers in Indonesia can immediately decrease, so that the nation's next generation is formed that is healthy and free of stunting," said Irwan.
This assistance, said Irwan, is also the company's participation in health to help accelerate the reduction in stunting rates.
"The government has a program, but what is also needed is participation. So we participate because stunting greatly affects children's intelligence, growth and development," he explained.
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According to Irwan, stunting is currently a complex problem. Stunting is specifically related to health such as malnutrition and anemia.
"Stunting is one of the health problems of children in the country and cannot be handled by the government alone, but all parties, both entrepreneurs and health practitioners," he said.
For this reason, said Irwan, Sido Muncul is committed to distributing his CSR funds and some of the advertising costs will be channeled to health care in Indonesia, especially helping with stunting.
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