
JAKARTA - Pertamina's President Director Patra Niaga Riva Siahaan opened his voice about the possibility of Pertashop selling Pertalite-subsidized fuel.

According to him, his party is currently reviewing the possibility after previously the Association of Entrepreneurs of Pertashop Central Java-Yogyakarta Special Region (Central Java-DIY) conducted an audience with Commission VII regarding the losses suffered.

"In principle, we will see what is more likely to provide benefits for friends in the Pertashop community, this is still being studied for the best," he told the media, Wednesday, July 12.

He added that if his party could not immediately forge subsidy products directly, they still needed a more in-depth study. In addition, he admitted that Pertamina will also prepare the best solutions.

Riva further explained that his party is also discussing with stakeholders so that they can provide the best solution, especially for price problems that are deemed too burdensome for Pertashop entrepreneurs. "So later we will see which solution is the best. But that has become our concern," added Riva.

He reiterated that the placement of Pertalite in Pertashop cannot be done immediately because Pertalite is a product subsidized by the government but it will take another approach.

"The point is that it does not increase accessibility to the affordability community, maybe we will use pertashop and it will also benefit both on two sides, both pertashop and society," concluded Riva.

Previously in an audience with Commission VII of the DPR RI, the general chairman of the Central Java Pertashop Entrepreneurs Association - Yogyakarta Special Region (Central Java-DIY) Gunadi Broto Sudarmo explained that this loss began when there was a geopolitical conflict between Russia and Ukraine which caused a high price of world oil.

The soaring price of oil has caused the government to also increase the price of Pertamax and Dexlite fuel types.

With this price disparity, Gunadi continued, entrepreneur turnover also experienced a drastic decline of up to 90 percent and entrepreneurs did not experience any benefits at all.

Of the 448 Pertashop, 201 of them suffered losses and threatened to close and their assets were confiscated because they were unable to pay monthly installments to the bank concerned.

He further explained that by the end of 2022 the number of Pertashop with sales of less than 200 liters per day reached 47 percent and suffered losses.

Gunadi explained, if sales only reach 200 liters per day then per month one pertashop is only able to sell 6000 liters.

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